2 min readDec 13, 2016

12.13.16 ACTION: Join the Pantsuit Action Network!

What: Join the Pantsuit Action Network (especially: use their One-Click to Congress app to send emails on key topics to your House and Senate representatives in one click.

Why: The Pantsuit Action Network is a new grass-root movement of regular people working together toward a common goal. Their aim is to organize like-minded people into national cohorts committed to a coordinated action plan to protect civil liberties currently under threat.

How: There are currently a few ways to get involved with the Pantsuit Action Network:

  • Use their One-Click to Congress app by texting the word INVESTIGATE to 528–86. You will get prompts from there, and with just a few clicks you will generate an email to your house and senate representatives asking them to investigate Trump’s conflicts of interest before he takes office (these actions will change as events warrant).
  • Join the network by texting PANTSUIT TO 528–86 or filling out the form here.
  • Join the December book club (reading Searching for Whitopia by Rich Benjamin)
  • Join a monthly action campaign.

NB: You may remember the rise of Pantsuit Nation’s during the weeks leading up to the election. Pantsuit Nation exists to harness the power of collective storytelling. The Pantsuit Action Network is an activist network , unaffiliated to Pantsuit Nation except for common values and goals.

Pantsuit Action Network activities include:

  • Letter writing, email, phone calling campaigns.
  • Digital, print, broadcast & social media campaigns.
  • Street teams canvassing, local & national lobbying.
  • Social action film screenings & activism book club.
  • Sit-ins, marches, boycotts, peaceful protests, rallies, conferences, speaker tours, fundraising events

Daily actions, large and small, to help you challenge, dismantle, and work actively against prejudice and hate.