Affair Recovery: A Journey Guided by Principles

Embracing Honesty, Commitment, and Humility on the Path to Healing After Betrayal

Jeff Murrah, LPC, LCDC, CMNCS
3 min readOct 19, 2023


a man of principles
Photo by James Barr on Unsplash

In our complex and ever-changing world, we often find ourselves at crossroads where our principles are put to the test. A manager’s advice to a young employee, “Don’t let your principles get in the way of your job!” may seem harmless at first glance. However, it reveals a troubling trend that is becoming all too common in today’s business landscape — the prioritization of work over personal values.

This advice, while perhaps intended as a cautionary note, reveals a disturbing disregard for values. It suggests an environment where job security trumps integrity, where success is measured by the bottom line rather than by the quality of our character. Such an attitude is not only concerning but also harmful to businesses in the long run.

The idea of sacrificing principles for the sake of job security may appear to be a practical decision. However, when principles are compromised, we gradually erode our integrity, piece by piece. People don’t become unethical overnight. It’s a slow transformation, one step at a time, down a slippery slope that can lead to a complete abandonment of ethical behavior.

