Navigating the Loyalty Crisis: Prioritizing Your Relationship

Unpacking the concept of loyalty in relationships and the crises that arise when it falters

Jeff Murrah, LPC, LCDC, CMNCS
8 min readOct 7, 2023


Are you feeling the strain of a loyalty crisis in your relationship? This article looks at the complexities of trust and commitment and how to navigate through these turbulent times. Discover how to rebuild faith and foster a stronger bond even in the face of adversity.

couple holding hands, symbolizing unity and commitment.
Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

In an era of relentless distractions and competing priorities, maintaining a healthy, balanced relationship can often feel like walking a tightrope.

A fundamental pillar that keeps a relationship steady is loyalty — a deep, unwavering commitment to one another. However, when this loyalty starts to waver or is divided amongst other aspects of life, it can lead to what experts term as a ‘loyalty crisis’.

A loyalty crisis can be as damaging to a relationship as an affair, if not more so.

It is a subtle yet potent form of betrayal that can leave one partner feeling secondary, unimportant, or even outright rejected.

It often stems from situations where one partner chooses to prioritize other commitments — be it family, work, or personal interests — over their relationship, causing a significant rift…

