Think Donald Trump Is The Cause Of Recent Divisiveness?

6 min readMay 10, 2017


Think Again.

In other words be suspicious (xenophobic) of White People because something is ‘going on’ with them.

Phew! This past year has been interesting folks, has it not? An improbable election with results they told us were impossible (see this story ) There are a lot of us that just shake our heads when people repeat media talking points. There are times when you can actually pinpoint exactly which mainstream outlet is a person’s favorite.

Recently I have heard a few liberals and a few undecided young people say that President Donald Trump is ‘dividing the Nation’. I realized that mainstream outlets were pushing that bs line as well that usually goes “most divisive President ever”. These media outlets are shameless. They are garbage. The worst of them is CNN. This entire election people within the media have been pushing race into the conversation. Everyone is entitled to their opinion is usually my line of thinking. To me ethnicity is not something someone should consider when deciding what to vote for. What I mean is those who have this sense of ‘loyalty’ to a party based on what ethnicity they are is ridiculous.

Those kinds of ideas and feelings are the result of lies being pushed on you. No one should ever make up their mind on a subject simply based on party, and certainly not before listening to both sides of the argument. Anyone that does so is a fool. I may sound harsh but when you open your eyes up to what most of these mainstream outlets are trying to do, you will be angry as well.

They lied to you an entire year about who was actually winning with heavily skewed/weighted polls; they lied to you about each campaign’s message; they tried as hard as they could to keep the election about identity and off of policy; they even attempted to rig the debates; and then when they failed even lied to you about who ‘won’ the debates. The list here folks is endless. There were an endless number of lies and false expectations being pushed on their unsuspecting viewers. The one I am focusing on right now is their lie about Donald Trump being the divisive factor this past year. Could it be that the Mainstream Media that align their-selves with the official DNC talking points are the cause of this divisiveness?

The entire year of the campaigns they called Donald racist; they put out stories about race & identity; they put out stories about Trump voters being racist & violent, Then they hired groups to disrupt and shutdown his political rallies like the Trump rally in Chicago where police were injured. You might be thinking I am just guessing the DNC and Hillary operatives caused this? You would be wrong. Third party democrat operatives for hire admitted to it, and no one was charged even though many laws were broken:

Candid Camera: DNC Operative brags about organizing violent protests/riots to affect Mainstream Media Cycles to smear Trump

In short the Democrat and Hillary paid operatives caused this:

This was organized and executed by the aforementioned DNC contracting group resulting in injuries, arrests, damage and rally cancellation.
One of the policemen that were injured in this staged violent protest

Then their operatives in the media tell you this:

Media giving cover to these DNC contracting groups by continually smearing Donald Trump & his supporters as racist.

They tried to create chaos with highly paid DNC operatives who organize what they call “actions” using unions and others. They then say Donald Trump is racist and that’s why he is being protested when in fact it is admitted on a hidden camera by the people who were paid to organize this action. When Donald speaks out about it… they simply call him a liar and try to marginalize him. This should have led to arrests and instead lead to lousy articles from hacks who call their-selves journalists:

According to Salon, Donald has a ‘conspiratorial child brain’ because he spoke out about Hillary and the DNC arranging for violent protests to have smear campaigns in the media against him. Once again they admitted to not only arranging these riots but how the media will frame it to make sure these groups receive cover from the blame. The head person of one of these organizing companies also admitted it went all the way up to Hillary Clinton herself and it was all caught on tape.

For Salon to publish that is nothing more than Fake News. While we are on the subject of Salon and their ‘Conspiratorial child brain’ smear, we should acknowledge they are anti-children. I say anti-children because they knowingly hired Child sex predators to write stories that normalize Pedophilia. Salon is a disgusting and shameless rag:

One of the Pedophilia normalization stories Salon has published & later scrubbed from it’s website.

If you think the constant bombardment of negative messaging such as I have described played no part in the current tensions some feel today… you have not been paying attention. Another problem is that they have not quit doing it. Here and there they sprinkle it into their headlines. CNN and these other outlets like Newsweek are not new to playing this game of divide and conquer:

Newsweek trying it’s hand at race pimping by calling all white voters who work xenophobic
Just another day of race pimping for CNN

As you can see above their intent is to purposely cause tensions between different groups. They then use the resulting anger as a way to direct the viewers to the point or lie they want them to believe. When a person is emotional they do not reason or think logically. Whether a person is in fear, angry, or sad their ability to critically think is bypassed depending on the degree of emotionality. They believe using this tactic they can gain more supporters for their side, and keep those that are on their side already. In short they race pimp:

This is not an all-inclusive list of images of mainstream news outlets that do this by any means. I challenge you to load up multiple search engines and search for through the news section for the entire year of 2016. Don’t only use Google because they played a role in trying to hide coverage and search results negative of Hillary during the election. Did you think Google was unbiased? Hah! Think again:

A screenshot I personally took of Google during the campaign.

Google had a bias as you can see from the above image. During the campaign google decided they would display a Clinton Kaine banner to anyone who performed a search with the word election in it. The banner was above the normal search results making it the first thing anyone would see during that time if they used the word election in their search. Keep in mind this really did happen, I took this screenshot myself. If you decide to search as I have suggested be sure to use multiple browsers, and multiple search engines.

I truly hope you the reader were not sucked in by the mainstream lies about racism or smears against voters who, like me, voted for Donald J. Trump. America needs it’s citizens from all walks of life to come together before it gets a whole lot worse:

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is someone with a great many hobbies that range from oil painting, lock picking, inventing, computer/network/telecommunications security & fitness.