Retrograde Launch remix

2 min readApr 26, 2022


A retroCHAD waits for the music to start

Retrograde’s launch is set to begin in the coming days.

Following the conclusion of our auditing process and in light of more complete information, we have determined that it is safe and appropriate to make the following amendments to the Retrograde launch:

  • Move our Phase 1 launch date to the 1st May.
  • Reduce the lock period on rewards for Phase 1 participants from 3 to 2 months.
  • Reduce the duration of Phase 1 from 7 to 3 days (unlimited supply/withdraw for the first two days, withdraw only on the final day).
  • Therefore, Phase 2 will start on the 4th May, running for 7 days and ending on the 11th May.

We have determined that reducing the Phase 1 lock period from 3 to 2 months will provide greater benefit to these users.

The largest rewards will remain allocated to Phase 2 of the launch, with 10% of the fully diluted RETRO supply allocated to this phase.

In summary:

Phase 1: UST deposits

Starting on 1st May, 19.00 UTC

Ending 4th May, 19.00 UTC

Phase 2: ASTRO / xASTRO deposits

Starting on 4th May 19.00 UTC

Ending 11th May, 19.00 UTC

This update will also be communicated via an edit to the original launch post.

Retrograde stands as the most efficient and focused ‘Convex’ protocol on Terra. Optimized to accrue the most vxASTRO and therefore offer the largest and most sustainable boost to Astroport liquidity providers, long term.

Not only this, RETRO stands to become a powerful form of leveraged ASTRO governance over time.

This is how RETRO becomes a leveraged bet on Astroport.

We hope to see more Astrochads come and use Retrograde in the future, and take part in our discord community today, where the team is on hand to answer any questions.

Don’t forget to follow our Twitter page for project updates as we pave the way to the Astro Wars.

DISCLAIMER: This article does not constitute investment advice. Refer to the project disclaimers before interacting with the Retrograde protocol.

