Reverend Warnock Would Roll Back Tax Breaks for the Richest And Ensure Tax Relief for Hardworking Middle Class Families


October 19, 2020

Atlanta, GA — In the Senate, Senior Pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church and U.S. Senate candidate Reverend Raphael Warnock would close loopholes that benefit the wealthy and vote against tax increases for the middle class.

This one is simple: Unlike his opponents, Warnock believes that fighting for workers means opposing Washington tax giveaways that benefit the richest of the rich while leaving working families behind. Warnock would also oppose new taxes on the middle class, support made-in-America incentives, work to increase transparency in public funding, and revoke tax breaks for companies that outsource jobs.

As Senator, Warnock would work to put in place a safety net to protect the most vulnerable communities in Georgia while fighting to make sure that working families are at the front of the line when it comes to tax relief.

Reverend Warnock has said:

@ReverendWarnock: Working people can’t afford a stimulus package that doubles as a slush fund for billionaires. This money should go to helping small businesses pay their employees, and Americans deserve to know where every penny of their tax dollars go.

@ReverendWarnock: It is critical that we have full transparency, oversight, and accountability of who receives public funding around this health crisis. Georgians deserve to know that their tax dollars are going to families, small business, and those who need it most.


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