New games coming out in October 2022

Reviewer gaming
2 min readOct 8, 2022

Upcoming New games coming out in October 2022

Games coming out in October 2022

October game releases in 2022:October month is one of the favorite months for video Gamers because this nearly ends nearly 3 months so a lot of holidays and chilling time with family we can team up and play games with friends this review covered upcoming games coming out in October 2022.

September month and previous months are very dull but in October month we have a big treat engagement side and the first game is completely free to play one of the favorite multiplayer games.

Games List:

Overwatch 2
A plague Take: Requiem
Ghost Busters Sprits Unleashed
No Man Sky
Dragon Ball The Breakers
WRC Generations
Gotham Knights
Morden Warfare 2
Uncharted Legacy of Thieves

A plague Take: Requiem

A few years before the AA game was released and it turn every game to play that game, that game called Plague Tale.
Plague tale’s major plot is the darkest zone with a lot of plague diseases spreading all over the place based on rats this game perfectly represented rats playing the major role and main villain of the game.

A teenage girl and one boy survive this game because their parents die so this game is a fantasy and adventure game also the sequel of this game is another level. Compare to the previous game this game has a lot of graphics quality. the studio of growing up fast with Xbox funding. The game pass releasing on day one. a lot of gameplay improvements upcoming release. also compact and fighting are included in this game.

RELEASING DATE:18 October 2022

Overwatch 2

The Overwatch 2 is what a lot of audiences expected this game developer also creates a lot of hype this game is completely fun and how Arena games look the same feel in this game also known Arena Shooter game. The interesting facts are power-ups, and a lot of characters inspired by several games. Mobile watch setting a benchmark for future games. The first time the release is announced as a paid game. But now totally free to play. The only reason Xbox is updated is, Xbox is major for free-to-play games so we all knew about blizzard it always gives equal games. Mini testing and a lot of Beta uses so it completely a fun game lot of fans waiting for this game to play

RELEASING DATE: 4 October 2022

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Reviewer gaming

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