Dark Money: The Hidden History of Billionaires

“We can have democracy or concentrated wealth but not both” -Louis Brandeis Supreme Court Justice

3 min readAug 23, 2020


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America is a Slave State and Dark Money is another great book about the dozen or so richest men in the world that control nearly all the money and most aspects of our lives. Organizations like the Heritage Foundation the Cato Institute and Fox News are essentially all combinations of tax havens and lobby groups for rich people that have somehow been successful in masquerading as conservatives.

One of the biggest lies that this group of people has been telling is that conservatism is somehow good for big business that in some way people like Donald Trump can call themselves conservative when in fact what they want is socialism for the wealthy and capitalism for the poor.

People like Robert Mercer and the Koch brothers are the greatest villains of our time they have used their ill-gotten gains in the stock market and by polluting at levels never-before-seen profiting off the back of the very destruction of nature and society.

Most disgustingly given the chance they have not used these ill-gotten gains to help their fellow man to improve the communities in which they depend or even help restore some of the very natural wonders they were complicit in destroying. Instead they’ve chosen to use their massive amounts of wealth to what else but further expand their massive amounts of wealth by stealing from the poor through reduction of their own taxes and maximizing the burden on the lower class, socialism for the wealthy capitalism for the poor.

Billionaires should not exist. As soon as one man can have such an unequal influence on millions of people something is wrong. In a democracy where only the wealthy can run for office, something is wrong. By all accounts we no longer live in a democracy, we no longer live in a world that is governed by the desires of free men and women, we live in a world governed by the desires of the wealthy. As soon as there is one set of laws for the rich and another for the poor something is wrong with democracy.

My Hope is that Donald Trump was the apex of this mistake, electing a “businessman” to run a country is certainly the apex of stupidity. I for one hope that the destruction that Donald Trump has rought will be enough to teach us our lesson, that democracy run for the benefit of the wealthy is no democracy at all and every country has the choice between allowing the concentration of great wealth in the hands of a few or having a democracy but we can’t have both.

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