šŸ±Revoland Pets GuidešŸ±

4 min readSep 1, 2022

Heroes are certainly the biggest asset in the Revoland world, but sometimes itā€™s the little helpers that do the trick & turn the battle around. Who are we talking about? They are cute, they are fierce, they follow your hero to the battlefield, and give you that extra push you need to win. Yep, you guessed it! Pets!

šŸ°What are Revoland Pets?

There are a total of 33 pets in the Revoland game & they come in 3 rarities: Normal, Rare and Epic.

Each Pet can give your hero extra special skills, increasing damage, HP, speed and more. Additionally, every Pet can be upgraded to increase his skills. You can take a maximum of 3 pets with you to each battle.

šŸ¶How to Choose a Pet for Battle

  • You can choose up to 3 pets to join you on the battlefield
  • The Pet in the leader slot (the one with the crown) will appear on the battlefield
  • To place a Pet into a slot, click/tap on the Pet and then on the appropriate slot
  • You can switch the places of your Pets, as well as delete them and replace them for others

šŸ¹Revoland Pet Types

With 33 Pets to choose from, you just want to get them all. Check out the full list of Pets & their special skills below! PS: some are more suitable for specific game modes than others.

  • Winged Knight

Binds the target for 1s and deals 5% more DMG to the target for 3s when you hit them with an SP Sklll.

Upgrade: Deals 10% more DMG to the target

  • Lily

Prevents death & recovers 5% HP over 2s. Immune to damage and cannot move until skill expires (40s cooldown).

Upgrade: Recovers 10% HP

  • Master Croak

Crit Rate +1% and HP Steal +1 every time you defeat a Brawler (Max. 3 stacks)

Upgrade: +2% Crit Rate, +2% HP Steal

  • Swordie Jr.

Max HP +2% and HP Regen +2% each time you defeat a Brawler (Max. 3 stacks)

Upgrade: Max HP +4% per stack, HP Regen +4% per stack

  • Voiden

Negates on attack that deals heavy damage and reduces DMG received by 3% for 5s (30s cooldown)

Upgrade: DMG received reduced by 5%

  • Crystatoise

Starts a match with random Tool & gains a Tool every 30s. Recovers 3% HP and 2% SP when you use a Tool

Upgrade: Recovers 6% HP, Recovers 4% SP

  • Twin Drake

DMG +6% for 4s and grants a 30% probability to recover Bullets or SP Skill when you defeat an enemy.

Upgrade: Probability 35%, DMG +6%

  • Will Oā€™ The Wisp

Targetā€™s DMG 6% and Reload SPD 15% for 5s when you deal critical DMG.

Upgrade: Target DMG 10%

  • Duskbringer

DMG Received ā€” 6% and HP Recovery +10% when your HP is below 40%

Upgrade: Damage Received ā€” 10%

  • Sea Demon

Reload SPD +10% and DMG +4% on a camouflage tile

Upgrade: DMG +7%

  • Siren Jr.

Increases amount of HP recovered from Brawler Skills or summoned creaturesā€™ effect by 6%

Upgrade: HP Recovery +10%

  • Land Shark

SPD +10% when moving towards enemy, deals 3% more DMG to enemies with below 40% HP

Upgrade: DMG +6%

  • Dawnbringer

DMG Received ā€” 1% for each Mastery learnt in battle. Critical DMG +20% when you learn all masteries

Upgrade: DMG Received ā€” 2%

  • Glutton

Crit Rate +2%, Gains on additional 4%, Crit Rate when your HP is 40%

Upgrade: Crit Rate +4%. An additional 4% Crit Rate

  • Dino Pot

Increases summoned creaturesā€™ Max HP by 2% and grants a 120 HP shield when HP is below 40%

Upgrade: +4% summoned creaturesā€™ Max HP + 180 HP shield

  • Dynamona

SPD +3% and HP Regen +3% on a camouflage tile

Upgrade: SPD +5%, HP Regen +5%

  • Filament

Deals additional 3% DMG to non-Brawler enemies

Upgrade: DMG +6%

  • Nimbus

DMG +3% against enemies more than 5 feet away from you

Upgrade: DMG +6%

  • Slinky

Gains a 228 HP shield for 10s when your HP is below 40% (20s cooldown)

Upgrade: Shield +332 HP

  • Makaka

Heals 5% HP when your HP is below 20% (25s cooldown)

Upgrade: HP Regen +10%, 25s cooldown

  • Ditzy

Attackerā€™s SPD ā€” 4% for 2s when you are attacked (10s cooldown)

Upgrade: Attackerā€™s SPD ā€” 8%, lasts for 3s

  • Silent Warden

DMG +5%, against controlled enemies

Upgrade: DMG +10%

  • Boombunny

SP Regen +4% and recovers additional 15% SP when you deal critical DMG

Upgrade: SP Regen +6%

  • Windy

DMG +3% against enemies within 2 tiles from you

Upgrade: DMG +5%

  • Death Eye

Target SPD -2% for 2s when you hit them with an SP Skill

Upgrade: Targetā€™s SPD ā€” 4%, lasts for 3s

  • Marigold

Heals 4% HP when you pick up a Dragon Egg or Coin in Battle Square and Bounty Hunter modes

Upgrade: Recovers 7% HP

  • Wriggly

Reload SPD +2% and reloads 10% Bullets when you defeat a Brawler

Upgrade: Reload SPD +4%

  • Stooce

DMG +4% against enemies with above 65% HP

Upgrade: DMG +6%

  • Crabby

DMG +4% against enemies below 35% HP

Upgrade: DMG +6%

  • Mudpie

Damage received -4% when you enter the Altar area during Altar Assault matches.

Upgrade: Damage Received -7%

  • Satchel

SPD +4% and negates all SPD reduction and Blind effects in Doodle Dash

Upgrade: SPD +6%

  • Cactpot

Heals 2% HP when you pick up a Fruit in Fruit Bash, and grants a 35% chance to keep half your Fruits when you are defeated.

Upgrade: Recovers 4% HP, Grants a 50% chance to keep half your Fruits

Use Your Pets to the Max & May The Battle End in Your Favor!

šŸŽ‡Start Playing Revoland: revoland.com/

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