Woo Your Hiring Manager (Professionally)

Wokr it with RewInt
3 min readAug 20, 2022


Getting the best first impression

“You will never get a second chance to make a first impression”

● That’s why remember to smile.

● Dress well in light-colored clothing.

● No crazy haircuts or hair color.

Tell me about yourself?

“Remember- Do not be boring”

Nobody wants to know your life story (unless they try not to showcase your storytelling skills)

Stick to your current role and what you were responsible for, were you a team leader? or an I.T guy, and your area of expertise.

If you are a fresher start with “I consider myself hardworking, reliable, punctual, etc”

Why should we hire for this job?

“Showcase your potential”

If a company is hiring, they have a problem at hand to solve and that is where you convince them that you are the perfect fit and you are valuable

Research the company and role you are applying for so you are clear on what you bring to the table.

Share your Short-term goals and long-term goals.

Talk about a problem you solved (something you taught yourself to better yourself. and how you take charge of situations)

Be realistic.

Why do you want to work here?

This question is directed toward you and here is where you have the chance to brag about your projects and experience, and can be a little self-centered (not too much always remember it’s not about you but your skills.)

They want to know if you have a growth mindset or fixed mindset (meaning are you up for new challenges and looking to better yourself)

Although Money is a major factor it is not always everything let them know that you are

moving not only because of the higher pay but also for your personal and professional growth.

Why do you think hiring managers ask these questions when already have your resume? What are they looking for?

Presentation -

Not all the time but most of the time hiring managers are looking to hire presentable personnel.

Are you charismatic and likeable?

Do you stutter when you speak?

Are you nervous and not making eye contact or your communication skill?

Enthusiasm -

A positive and enthusiastic attitude is a critical component of workplace success. It simply means showing interest in your work.

Passion –

Passion is next-level enthusiasm its what makes work enjoyable.

How to be more prepared?

Prepare a 1 min pitch where you talk about your current job role, a bit of background, and your future expectations.

Practice a lot in front of a mirror.

Make PPT (sounds weird but it makes you look prepared)


I have been working with [] during this time I have been providing [] before that, I was with [] where I started my career as [] I was with them until [] then [] in addition to this I have a [] from [] and I hold various professional certification []

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