A One-Night StandA one-night, no-string-attached sex — that was what it was. It was the only thing we had. But lately, I find myself wishing we were more.Sep 20, 2017Sep 20, 2017
Both OrpheusWe were just like Orpheus and Eurydice, only that we were both Orpheus. Like this famous ancient Greek tale, ours was also of a desperate…Sep 3, 2017Sep 3, 2017
CourageI asked a couple of friends on ask.fm about what they think when they hear the word courage, some of them answered me; Courage is…Nov 4, 2016Nov 4, 2016
Breathe OutSomewhere in my lungs are the nicotine I puffed from your cigaretteOct 30, 2016Oct 30, 2016