RIALTO.AI Artificial Intelligence Trade Bot Development

2 min readNov 28, 2017


RIALTO.AI is developing an AI trade bot that takes into consideration both long and short positions in cryptocurrencies to create the highest possible risk-adjusted returns. The development of the AI trade bot has begun with collecting historical data for multiple cryptocurrency pairs from the most mature and liquid exchanges.

Next, we have developed a rigorous back-testing framework, which allowed us to test market hypotheses and trading strategies. We analysed the patterns and dynamics of cryptocurrency markets using the framework and the historical data. Besides finding similarities within the traditional financial markets, we applied advanced data-processing statistical techniques to search for patterns in cryptocurrency markets.

Source: Shutterstock

After a couple of months of thorough analysis and testing, RIALTO.AI has successfully developed profitable algorithms that are currently quantified and deployed in a testing environment, where their behaviour is monitored and evaluated. In December, the first algorithm will be deployed in real-time trading with a limited amount of capital. After the initial assessment period and the positive confirmation of the algorithm’s behaviour, we will deploy additional strategies with a larger portion of the Digital Asset Pool.

These basic, but necessary steps, will allow us in the future to include more advanced machine learning techniques (combining multiple models with ensemble learning and meta learning, and time-series analysis with deep learning), and this way to achieve the overarching goal of creating a true self-learning AI trade bot.

RIALTO.AI at FinTech Connect Live

RIALTO.AI will be present at this year “UK’s largest meeting place for the fintech community”, FinTech Connect Live 2017 in London. FinTech Connect Live is that kind of ecosystem event that connects start-ups, incumbent tech providers, traditional financial institutions and the investor community.

In this two-day event at the ExCeL London, RIALTO.AI will be exhibiting to present its blockchain and cryptocurrency solutions, furthermore, our Project Manager, Vito Martin Hrzenjak, will speak about whether The Crypto Finance is a fad or a New Financial Dimension. Any candidates are welcome to join the event: free Expo Passes are available here.

XRL Token Listed on Yobit

Since November 25, RIALTO.AI XRL token is available for purchase on Yobit.




Crypto arbitrage, market maker and AI tradebot. Follow us on our mission to connect the cryptocurrency markets www.rialto.ai