Serbia’s ‘Mad Dog,’ Aleksandar Vučić: Attempted Killing of Nikola Sandulović

Rich TVX News Network
5 min readJan 5, 2024


The Butcher From Serbia

The Serbian tyrant, Aleksandar Vučić, commonly known as the “butcher from Serbia,” finds himself in a precarious position. Ongoing protests regarding election irregularities in Belgrade have left the dictator with limited options, compelling him to resort to repressive measures against the opposition. President Nikola Sandulović of the Republican Party in Serbia was forcibly abducted two days ago and subjected to a brutal physical assault, resulting in paralysis. Intelligence indicates that this heinous act was orchestrated by the Serbian secret police.

BIA Gestapo Actions

The BIA Gestapo, Serbia’s contemporary political secret police under Aleksandar Vučić, swiftly executed a comprehensive room-by-room search at Nikola Sandulović’s residence, employing traditional UDBA methods. What transgression prompted this intrusion? No crime; Sandulović was assaulted after expressing remorse for Serbia’s war crimes in Kosovo. The time has come to prevent Josep Borrell, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, from further shielding Serbia’s ‘Mad Dog,’ Aleksandar Vučić. The assault on Sandulović unraveled following a dispute with Richard Grenell on the social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter).

Authoritarian Strategies

When confronted with the discovery that their dog has rabies, individuals may opt for euthanasia in many instances. A similar scenario applies to rabid dictators. In the contemporary geopolitical landscape, we find ourselves amidst a paradigm shift where revisionist authoritarian forces strategically employ sharp power instruments to undermine democratic structures. The Serbian bloodthirsty tyrant, Aleksandar Vučić, is a proponent of disrupting democracies through a multifaceted approach involving disinformation, misinformation, united-front tactics, corruption, violence, and subversion.

Aleksandar Vučić

Strategic Imperative

Aleksandar Vučić’s primary goal is to humiliate the United States by severing its ties with allies and eroding its capacity to project power and influence, both in Europe and globally. Recognizing this ideological contest between free societies and authoritarian state capitalists, it is imperative for the United States to confront and articulate the challenge in analogous terms. Aligning our perception with the understanding shared by both the Balkan dictator and formidable global competitors serves as a strategic imperative.

U.S. Commitment

The articulation of United States interests aligns fundamentally with its core national values. The nation is committed to advancing democracy globally, recognizing that the vitality of democratic systems hinges on a worldwide equilibrium favoring freedom. The United States advocates for free trade, driven by a belief in the efficacy of markets. This conviction extends beyond the benefit to its own populace, encompassing the upliftment of all individuals, thus contributing to a more prosperous global environment — a circumstance that inherently enhances the market viability for American enterprises.

Vučić’s Serbia

In delineating the role of values in American foreign policy, a pertinent approach involves scrutinizing the paramount security threats confronting the American populace today. The gravest threats to the United States emanate from the ideologically motivated strategies pursued by rogue states such as Aleksandar Vučić’s Serbia, Russia, and China. These strategies aim to undermine U.S. democracy, as well as that of its allies and partners. Additionally, security risks manifest in the form of violent extremism thriving in ungoverned spaces and among populations alienated by inadequate governance. Furthermore, the challenge of mass migration looms large, posing a potential border crisis that transcends physical barriers. Addressing the root causes that drive individuals to flee their nations becomes imperative in effectively managing these multifaceted threats.

Nikola Sandulović

The ‘Mad Dog’ Unleashed: Vučić’s Assault on Sandulović Shakes Serbia

Unearth the sinister tale of the Serbian tyrant, Aleksandar Vučić, widely known as the “butcher from Serbia.” Amid ongoing protests and election irregularities in Belgrade, Vučić resorts to repressive measures against the opposition, culminating in the brutal abduction and assault on President Nikola Sandulović by the Serbian secret police.

BIA Gestapo’s Intrusion: Vučić’s Political Secrets Exposed

Explore the controversial actions of the BIA Gestapo, Serbia’s contemporary political secret police under Aleksandar Vučić. A room-by-room search at Nikola Sandulović’s residence unfolds, employing traditional UDBA methods. The assault on Sandulović, orchestrated by the Serbian secret police, prompts a call to prevent EU Representative Josep Borrell from shielding Vučić.

Geopolitical Warfare: Vučić’s Authoritarian Tactics Unveiled

Delve into the geopolitical paradigm shift as rogue states like Vučić’s Serbia employ sharp power to disrupt democracies. The bloodthirsty tyrant employs disinformation, united-front tactics, corruption, violence, and subversion. Witness the multifaceted approach to undermine democratic structures.

Strategic Power Play: Vučić’s Bid to Humiliate the United States

Understand Vučić’s primary goal — to humiliate the United States and erode its global influence. Recognize the ideological contest between free societies and authoritarian state capitalists. Aligning perceptions with global competitors becomes a strategic imperative for the U.S.

U.S. Values at Stake: Navigating Global Commitments

Examine the alignment of U.S. interests with its core values, emphasizing a commitment to global democracy. The advocacy for free trade, driven by a belief in market efficacy, extends beyond national benefits to contribute to a more prosperous global environment.

Rogue State Alert: Analyzing Vučić’s Serbia in the Global Landscape

Scrutinize the role of values in American foreign policy against the backdrop of security threats. Discover how ideologically motivated strategies by rogue states, including Vučić’s Serbia, aim to undermine democracies. Addressing root causes becomes imperative in managing threats like violent extremism and mass migration.

FAQ: The Butcher From Serbia

Who is Aleksandar Vučić, and why is he known as the ‘butcher from Serbia’?

Aleksandar Vučić is the Serbian tyrant, infamous for repressive measures against opposition amid ongoing protests and election irregularities in Belgrade.

What happened to President Nikola Sandulović?

President Sandulović of the Republican Party in Serbia was forcibly abducted and brutally assaulted two days ago, resulting in paralysis. Intelligence suggests the Serbian secret police orchestrated the attack.

What is the BIA Gestapo, and why did they search Nikola Sandulović’s residence?

The BIA Gestapo is the contemporary political secret police in Serbia under Aleksandar Vučić. They conducted a room-by-room search at Sandulović’s residence, employing traditional UDBA methods.

Was there any crime associated with Nikola Sandulović?

No, there was no crime. Sandulović was assaulted after apologizing for Serbia’s war crimes in Kosovo.

How does Aleksandar Vučić employ authoritarian strategies?

Vučić disrupts democracies through a multifaceted approach, involving disinformation, misinformation, united-front tactics, corruption, violence, and subversion.

What is the primary goal of Aleksandar Vučić, and why is it crucial for the United States to confront this challenge?

Vučić’s primary goal is to humiliate the United States. Recognizing the ideological contest between free societies and authoritarian state capitalists, it is imperative for the U.S. to align perceptions and confront this challenge strategically.


Serbia’s ‘Mad Dog,’ Aleksandar Vučić: Attempted Killing of Nikola Sandulović

Uncover the latest developments as Aleksandar Vučić, the notorious ‘Mad Dog’ of Serbia, reemerges with sinister intentions towards Nikola Sandulović.


#Serbia #AleksandarVučić #NikolaSandulović #BreakingNews #SecurityConcerns



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