An Exploration of UFC Data — Part 3-a: Preliminary Data Analysis

Richard O'Brien
1 min readJul 29, 2018


Beginning with descriptive statistics, let’s first examine how the fights end and which round it ends in.

Table 1: A breakdown of the fight ending methods given in percentages

|CNC |Decision| DQ | KO/TKO | Overturned | S-DEC | SUB | U-DEC |
|0.41| 0.04 |0.29| 34.10 | 0.78 | 9.71 | 20.27 | 34.38 |

The majority of fights appear to end one of 3 ways. KO/TKO, Decision, or Submission.

How do winners finish fights across rounds?

How many rounds on average, does it take for winners to win by KO/TKO and SUB?

| 1.59 | 1.66 |

