Last night was an historic night for Michigan

Governor Rick Snyder
3 min readJun 9, 2016


June 9, 2016

We are one great state. Our economic forecast remains positive, more Michiganders are headed back to work, and personal incomes for families are on the rise.

But we realize that the state faces unique challenges that require immediate action. Last night, we worked together to take some important steps toward fixing those challenges.

The fiscal year 2017 budget passed was finished yesterday evening without fanfare or drama, marking the sixth consecutive year that we’ve completed a balanced, fiscally responsible budget months ahead of schedule.

“The fiscal year 2017 budget is one that we should be proud of. It reflects the fact that we are one great state willing to work together to solve significant challenges.”

-Gov. Rick Snyder

The budget provides significant resources for Flint’s recovery. The city’s families deserve access to clean, safe drinking water. We’re making a $234 million investment to help provide both short-term and long-term solutions that will move the city forward.

We also remain committed to providing our children and young adults with the education they need to succeed in the 21st century. The budget adds $150 million for K-12 education for a total of nearly $12.1 billion in state funding — an increase of $1.4 billion since fiscal year 2011.

In addition, we are investing another $25.6 million for the Healthy Kids Dental program, allowing us to provide quality dental care to more than 826,000 children in all 83 counties. This is an important step to help ensure a lifetime of better health.

Last night, legislation also was approved to make an unprecedented investment for the education of Detroit’s children. The financial challenges facing the Detroit Public Schools need to be resolved in order to ensure Detroit’s schoolchildren have the same opportunities for success as other children in our state.

Because of last night’s legislative action, the district’s debt will be fully repaid and state funding for Detroit schools will now be fully used to support teaching kids in their classrooms, instead of being diverted to pay off decades of debt.

“This is a new day for education in Michigan’s comeback city.” -Gov. Rick Snyder

This is a new Detroit school district. The debt will be gone. The emergency managers will no longer be needed. Local control will be restored, so that new leaders for the district can be chosen this fall by Detroit voters. A financial review commission that works with the city will assist with making strong investments as the school board stands up the new district.

Detroit is poised to be the next great American comeback story — but that story would have been incomplete if we didn’t take care of the upcoming generations. The DPS legislation that passed will provide Detroit’s young people with a quality education that will prepare them for the new opportunities they’ll have in Michigan’s reinvented economy.

We should be proud of the work we have accomplished. We took important steps to helping continue Detroit’s and Michigan’s comebacks. As we look toward the future, we need to remain focused on working together to overcome obstacles, create more and better jobs, and make smart investments for everyone’s future.



Governor Rick Snyder

Governor of Michigan and One Tough Nerd. Working in dog years to reinvent Michigan. Read more at