Michigan and Finland: a shared history, a shared future

Governor Rick Snyder
2 min readDec 14, 2016


By Ryan Burklow | @burklow_ryan

Building strong, positive relationships globally is vitally important to further strengthening Michigan’s remarkable comeback. In an effort to continue fostering international relationships, Gov. Rick Snyder met with Consul General of Finland, Ambassador Manu Virtamo, as well as Commercial and Trade Counsellor Veijo Komulainen.

After being appointed Consul General earlier this year, Virtamo indicated his desire to focus on strengthening relations with Michigan.

A strong partnership between Michigan and Finland makes sense on a variety of levels. Like Michigan, Finland’s key economic sector is manufacturing, and automotive and engineered metal products are some of the country’s largest industries.

Katelyn Wilcox, Jarrod Agen, Gov. Rick Snyder, Ambassodor Manu Virtamo, Consulate General of FInland, Commercial and Trade Counsellor Veijo Komulainen

Two Finnish companies are already operating in Michigan, Valmet Automotive in Detroit and URV USA in Eaton Rapids. Broadening the collaboration between Finland and Michigan with prove to be dually beneficial, strengthening the state’s economy and creating more good jobs while providing Finnish companies with a vibrant trade partner.

Additionally, Michigan has the largest concentration of Finnish citizens outside of Finland, thanks in part to the copper mining boom in the late 1800s. The mass-immigration of Finnish nationals was a key part to growing the economy in the Keweenaw region. More than 100,000 Finnish people now call the Great Lakes State home.

At the meeting’s conclusion, Snyder presented both Virtamo and Komulainen with a framed Pewabic tile. Manufactured by Pewabic Pottery, a National Historic Landmark, the tile is handcrafted in a traditional way dating back to the 1900s. This beautiful piece of handcrafted Detroit art is a wonderful representation of Michigan-made goods.

As the world continues to take note of Michigan’s continued comeback, there will be more opportunities for economic partnerships that we should all celebrate.



Governor Rick Snyder

Governor of Michigan and One Tough Nerd. Working in dog years to reinvent Michigan. Read more at www.michigan.gov/snyder