Master Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT and Large Language Models

Rick Taylar
5 min readNov 14, 2023


Let’s dive into the fascinating world of ChatGPT and other language models, and trust me, it feels like you’re tapping into some kind of digital magic.

But here’s the thing: simply throwing a question into the mix doesn’t always churn out that perfect answer you’re hunting for.

You’ve got to get smart with prompt engineering — it’s all about crafting your input in a way that nudges these AI geniuses to spill out the best responses.

So, here’s your all-access pass to mastering prompt engineering. It’s going to skyrocket your ChatGPT skills, no doubt about it.

What’s Prompt Engineering, Anyway?

Think of prompt engineering as the secret sauce for communicating with AI like ChatGPT.

Your mission? To fine-tune your questions so that you get answers that are spot-on, super relevant, and downright useful.

Instead of lobbing any question at it, prompt engineering transforms the process into a blend of art and science. You’re going to be deliberate and thoughtful in how you phrase each prompt, giving the model just the right mix of context and direction.

Let’s say you ask ChatGPT something vague like, “Tell me about Elon Musk.” You’ll probably get a basic run-down of his life.

But, if you play the prompt engineering game, you could ask:

“I’m prepping a 5-minute speech about Elon Musk for my high school engineering club. I need a 300-word speech that’s easy to follow, focusing on Musk’s background, his big wins, and why he’s a hero to us budding engineers. Make it sound like it’s coming from one student to another.”

Now, you’ve given specifics — the length, audience, style, and the exact info you need. ChatGPT can now tailor its response to fit these boxes.

That’s the power we’re talking about. It’s like crafting a killer Google search — it takes some know-how and strategy. But stick with it, and you’ll learn how to squeeze the most out of AI.

Adopting a Prompt Engineering Mindset

When you’re writing prompts, wear your prompt engineer hat.

Here are some golden rules:

  • Be Crystal Clear: Don’t expect ChatGPT to read your mind. Lay out everything — length, style, who it’s for, and anything else important.
  • Play a Role: Ask ChatGPT to answer as if it’s someone specific. You’ll get responses that are right in line with that character.
  • Be Specific About the Format: Need bullet points, a poem, a speech? Tell ChatGPT exactly that.
  • Don’t Be Shy with Follow-Ups: If the first answer isn’t quite there, keep the conversation going.
  • Steer Clear of Leading Questions: You don’t want to skew the answer you’re looking for.
  • Break Down Big Topics: Got a mammoth topic? Tackle it piece by piece.

Think of yourself as the architect of prompts, constructing the perfect questions to build the answers you want.

Prompt Engineering Best Practices

Here are some top tips to make your prompts even better:

  • Give the Backstory: Don’t assume ChatGPT remembers past chats. Set the scene each time. Like, “I’m working on a climate change paper. So far, I’ve talked about causes and effects…”
  • Nail the Specifics: Spell out exactly what you need — length, format, style. Vague questions lead to vague answers.
  • Use Personas: Get ChatGPT to respond as a particular character for customized answers. Like, “As a doctor, what would you suggest for boosting energy?”
  • Break Down Big Topics: Tackle large subjects one chunk at a time. For example, “Summarize WW2’s key events in under 20 bullet points.”
  • Choose Your Format: Directly request the format — poem, speech, list — you name it.
  • Set Limits: Define word counts and lengths. Like, “In under 100 words, can you give me an inspiring quote?”
  • Keep the Questions Coming: If you’re not quite there yet, ask more.

It’s a game of trial and error to hit the perfect prompts. But these best practices are your roadmap.

Zero-Shot vs. Few-Shot Prompting

There are two main flavors of prompting:

  • Zero-Shot Prompting: You’re just relying on what ChatGPT already knows. Like asking, “What’s the capital of France?” Straightforward, factual stuff.
  • Few-Shot Prompting: Here, you set the stage with a couple of examples first. Like this:

“Q: What is John’s favorite food?
A: John’s favorite food is sushi.

Q: What is Sarah’s favorite food?
A: Sarah’s favorite food is pasta.

Q: What is my favorite food?”

You’re giving ChatGPT context to better tackle your main question. Great for new stuff it might not know otherwise.

Avoiding AI Hallucinations

Sometimes ChatGPT might get too creative and give answers that aren’t quite right — we call these “AI hallucinations.”

Like making up details about some lesser-known historical figure. To sidestep this, load your prompts with clear, specific context, keep questioning, and double-check if something sounds off.

Advanced Topic — Text Embeddings and Vectors

In a nutshell, text embeddings turn words and sentences into math vectors that capture their meaning.

It’s like comparing apples to apples, or cats to tomatoes, in vector land.

In prompt engineering, using the right vocab and meanings in your prompts makes it easier for the AI to get you.

Prompt Engineering for Beginners

Let’s walk through an example:

  • Goal: Snag some book recommendations from ChatGPT that really vibe with your taste.
  • Mindset: Think like you’re crafting a Google search. Specifics matter.
  • Prompt #1: “What are some cool sci-fi books?”
    Feedback: Too vague. You get generic sci-fi picks.
  • Prompt #2: “List 5 recent sci-fi books with anti-heroes and dystopian worlds.”
    Feedback: Closer, but still a bit off.
  • Prompt #3: “I’m into complex sci-fi with dark, dystopian settings and anti-heroes. ‘Neuromancer’ by William Gibson is my jam. Suggest 5 recent sci-fi novels that echo this vibe, with a short summary for each. Focus on novels, not short stories.”
    Feedback: Bingo! Custom sci-fi suggestions with useful summaries.

This shows how tweaking your prompts leads to more targeted answers.

Keep practicing, and you’ll become a pro.

Next Steps — Keep Practicing and Experimenting!

Nailing prompt engineering is a journey.

The rewards? Huge. You’ll supercharge how you use ChatGPT and future AI tools.

  • Keep experimenting with different prompts.
  • Jot down what works and what doesn’t.
  • Try different personas, contexts, formats.
  • Keep refining, and don’t be afraid to ask more questions.
  • Dive into prompt engineering communities for ideas and feedback.
  • Tools like Claude’s Prompt Builder can be a big help too.

By sharpening your prompt engineering skills, you’re unlocking the full potential of AI chatbots.

Get ready for smarter conversations, custom-fit results, and a boost to your own knowledge and skills.

The future’s calling — happy prompting!



Rick Taylar

I ghostwrite Educational Email Courses for creators, coaches and business founders. 20+ years counseling. 4+ years podcasting.