The Power of Daily Self-Affirmations

Ridgeview Ranch Treatment Center
3 min readOct 16, 2017


We have all heard at one point in our lives whether it be from Oprah or that random motivational speaker you quickly saw on Youtube about self-affirmations. But do most of us actually know what a self-affirmation is and how to use them?

Self-Affirmation (n): the recognition and assertion of the existence of value of one’s individual self.

Whether you are in recovery or not, self-affirmations allow us to take care of our mental and emotional health. Recovery isn’t just about the ability to physically say no to our addictions but to also have the mental strength to resist. Daily self-affirmations help boost confidence, center ourselves, calm nerves, and develop emotional intelligence. As much as we are taught to encourage our friends, family, children, and loved ones, we seem to easily forget to encourage ourselves on a daily basis. Now, while this might seem cheesy and pointless, self-affirmations have been proven to be highly effective. As a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center we believe not just in therapy sessions and meeting with counselors, but also for patients to take their recovery into their own hands from the minute they wake up.

Positive affirmations have helped me to sculpt my mind, helped me to aim bigger, to focus on my goals and to pursue success with single minded determination and a positive attitude no matter what.-Thomas Allan

Your affirmations should mean something to you and be about the type of person you strive to be. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a lot of confidence in the words you are saying. The point is for you to take a couple minutes at the start of your day and to say to them to yourself. “I am”, “I have”, “I love”, and “I deserve” are great ways to start your affirmations.

“Most of all my affirmations helped me to stay solid as a rock, to keep pushing through failure (to see failure only as feedback) and to keep working towards my goals, one step at a time.” Thomas Allan

Examples of Self-Affirmations

I am free from drugs

I am free from alcohol

The past has no power over me anymore

I have many strengths

I am in charge of my life story

While in the beginning telling yourself self affirmations may seem unnatural and comfortable, you will soon see that these small, simple, yet powerful phrases will be what you are training your mind to use when encountering difficult times. Wake up in the morning and not feeling so confident about the day? Feel that depression creeping up? Images from past trauma starting to come back? Start your self dialogue with your daily self affirmations. It is all about training your mind daily for when the tough times come again.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction or substance abuse, call Ridgeview Ranch today to speak with one of our Addiction Specialists at (877) 526-7706 for a free consultation. For additional information regarding our detox, outpatient and inpatient (30, 60, & 90 day) treatment programs, please visit We accept all major PPO insurances and have financing programs to fit your needs. We are also now in network with Beacon Health Options, formerly Value Options. We are here to help you!

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Ridgeview Ranch Treatment Center

Ridgeview Ranch Treatment Center, established since 2007, is California’s premier alcohol and drug treatment center located in the greater Los Angeles area.