The Hypocritical Oath..How Safe Are We?

5 min readMay 28, 2015


Earlier this week in the California Assembly Floor Session, AB 775, a bill that is being backed by NARAL California and Planned Parenthood alike; was heard by members of the California General Assembly. The bill, which is being called the “Reproductive FACT Act” and its authors have spent months trying to convince the State Assembly that this is ALL under the guise of “women’s safety.” Yet when the REAL safety of women who were facing life and death choices became an issue; the co-author of AB 775; along with the very same group of supporters from NARAL and Planned Parenthood chose to deny women in California a safe option for Reproductive Choice.

Does anyone remember hearing about AB 1177? Unless you follow pro-life/pro-choice legislation closely most likely not, mostly because the push for this bill was done so quietly by the pro-abortion lobby here in the California Assembly that many are unaware this even took place. AB 1177 repeals the California licensing requirement that primary care clinics have a written “transfer agreement” with a nearby hospital. A “transfer agreement” is a commitment by a hospital to agree to provide emergency care to patients who experience serious complications in a “primary care clinic”. Keep in mind that the public perception of what a “primary care clinic” is and what the state considers a “primary care clinic” are very different. Typically when a person thinks of a primary care clinic they picture their friendly family doctor’s office where you go for a cold, flu or other minor illness; the California Health Code however considers “primary care clinics” as “an organized outpatient health facility that provides direct medical, surgical, dental, optometric, or podiatric advice, services, or treatment to patients who remain less than 24 hours, and that may also provide diagnostic or therapeutic services to patients” {CA Health Code;Sect:1200; subdivision a1} Therefore under California Health Code Abortion Clinics; like those ran by Planned Parenthood are considered primary care clinics and in order to obtain a license to operate they must have a transfer agreement on file with a local hospital in the event of an emergency. Many women have suffered serious and even fatal complications from surgical abortion procedures performed in abortion clinics that are unprepared to provide a higher standard of care when something goes wrong. If the pro-abortion lobby truly believes the tag line of “Abortion should legal, SAFE and rare you would think that they would have no problem abiding by the same laws and licensing regulations as EVERY OTHER LICENSED MEDICAL FACILITY IN CALIFORNIA but not when it comes to their profits, Planned Parenthood and the profit-driven members of California’s Pro-Choice Assembly can’t possibly allow that to happen and they are out to prove just how “bad for business” SAFER laws are when it comes to abortion.

Even though the community in which this originated (El Centro, CA) spoke out AGAINIST Planned Parenthood building a new abortion mill in the community of El Centro, CA by demanding the city-owned ECRMC {El Centro Regional Medical Center} revoke its transfer agreement with Planned Parenthood, this group of pro-abortion lobbyists and legislators instead of moving on to another location to build their clinic, they decided to just petition the legislature in CA to overlook the requirements for Planned Parenthood. Were they thinking about the SAFETY of women then? Were they thinking of the lives that could be lost by not having this protocol in place? Were they thinking of Tonya Reaves, the 24 year old single mother who died after Planned Parenthood not only BOTCHED her 16 week surgical abortion but then by DELAYING her transport to a hospital allowed her to lay in a pool of her own blood, hemorrhaging while the clinic waited FIVE hours to call 911 and then when they did, refuse to communicate effectively to EMS Personnel the procedure done and possible complications. Ms. Reaves autopsy showed that she died from several complications related to a botched second trimester abortion, including an extensive perforation of her broad uterine ligament and a severing of her left uterine artery which is a death sentence; RARELY can a women live after this happens unless there is IMMEDIATE surgery performed to stop all bleeding in the pelvic region; usually through hysterectomy.

All of this could have been avoided IF the VERY SAME LAW that the co-authors of AB 775 wants REPEALED was in effect at the time Ms. Reaves entered that Planned Parenthood Clinic. Medical Examiner testimony showed that IF Ms. Reaves would have received appropriate management of her complications; including timely transfer from clinic to hospital and had the ER Team and the Surgeons been aware of the possible complications through accurate description of the procedure she was under-going at the time they could have saved her life and her injuries while tragic would not have been fatal. A lack of oversight, regulation and simply human dignity is what KILLED this woman and now the pro-abortion lobby thinks that California should follow this heinous practice and EXEMPT Abortion Clinics from having emergency protocols in place in the event it is needed to save a life. Many would ask, what are they thinking? Well let’s be honest we all know exactly what they are thinking, and it’s blood money procured on the bodies of innocent California women seeking help in a time of crisis, YET the authors of AB 775 consider it prudent to go after a group of privately funded, religious-based Pregnancy Care Centers because they feel it’s “unsafe” for those clinics to NOT refer their patients to the very place where they can become the next Tonya Reaves. It is very clear to me as a woman living in California that NARAL, Planned Parenthood and the legislators who support the pro-abortion lobby and advocate on their behalf could really care less about the women in California or their safety. Their attack on Pregnancy Care Center’s is based ONLY on the fact that they disagree with pregnancy counseling and services being promoted from a pro-life agenda YET they are perfectly comfortable backing an organization and industry that kills women every single day with little to no regard for the victims left behind. Regardless of what is SAID at a Pregnancy Care Center, every single woman and child that enters a Pregnancy Care Center leaves with their life, the same cannot be said for Planned Parenthood and groups like them who consistently ignore and decry the need for regulations in order to protect the lives of the women they claim to care about.

So I ask this of the pro-abortion legislators in Sacramento making these poorly based and clearly targeting decisions; how many women have died from botched procedures at Pregnancy Care Centers? How many ambulances have been DOCUMENTED leaving these centers with women who were on the brink of death due to incompetent medical practices? How many women have ever detailed in their suicide note their grief and pain and emotional turmoil over “choosing to visit the Pregnancy Care Clinic”? NONE and until they do, quite frankly I think the pro-abortion gestapo should stop thinking they understand “women’s safety”. Stop believing in your hypocritical oath and start believing in the HIPPOCRATIC OATH.




RLCC exists to Engage our community, Equip pro-life advocates, and Embrace individuals facing unplanned pregnancy and those hurt by abortion.