Rikke B E Knutzen
Rikke B E Knutzen

Rikke B E Knutzen


5 stories

The culture web is a Venn diagram, showing the overlapping factors which create a culture or ‘organisational paradigm’. In the centre is a circle representing this paradigm or sense making framework, around this circle are factors which affect it. They include Stories, Symbols, Power structures, Organisational structures, control systems, rituals and routines.
A sign that reads: “Do it right the first time! Plan ahea!” The D in “ahead” had to be dropped to the next line because there was no space.
Rikke B E Knutzen

Rikke B E Knutzen


1 story

Proposed Double diamond fig.
Rikke B E Knutzen

Rikke B E Knutzen


No stories

Rikke B E Knutzen

Rikke B E Knutzen


1 story

Rikke B E Knutzen

Rikke B E Knutzen

A people centric designer from Denmark with a focus on impact. Works at Trackunit and @sdn_dk. #servicedesign #designthinking and #ux. www.RikkeKnutzen.me