Rikke B E Knutzen
1 min readOct 10, 2016


Being a designer myself (educated 5 years in university and practicing it for years) I find, that taking “design” out of “design thinking” is completely wrong. It’s not two disciplines separated from each other, and we as designers should embrace it to the full, and be proud that our field of expertise is getting more and more acknowledged.

Only when disciplines understand each other and share language we can work stronger together and develop better solutions — whether that is a product, a service, a piece of software or a building. Creating a framework around design thinking is an enabler for just this. :)

For me design thinking is the underlying paradigm of the way designers work, it’s the foundation of our handcraft. The basic understanding can be thought to others through small courses, but being a design thinker is not about a basic understanding, it’s about practicing it and doing it and being good at this takes years! Like all other professions…

Let’s praise that other disciplines are trying to understand our world and way of working, and let’s show through our work that there’s a difference in the results you get from a basic understanding of design thinking and by practicing design thinking as a handcraft.

There’s definitely still a need for a full-blown, experienced DESIGN-discipline and I’m trilled that a framework for our basic paradigm and way of working are being thought to others.

It will make us all stronger.



Rikke B E Knutzen

A people centric leader from Denmark with a focus on creative. Works at MapsPeople. #servicedesign #designthinking, #leadership, #agile #ux. www.RikkeKnutzen.me