New mobile is here! Jitsi video conferencing, _really_ dark theme, and more!
2 min readOct 11, 2017


The latest release of is here! We’ve added Jitsi integration to bring much improved video conferencing, plus hot on the heels of the dark theme the really dark theme comes to Android (true black for maximum OLED battery-saving goodness), and experimental widgets-for-mobile lands in mobile labs!

Jitsi conferencing

The new release lands full integration with Jitsi making video conferencing through Matrix better than ever!

Colin and Susan enjoying a video-conference over Jitsi

The latest mobile apps can still join conferences hosted on the old system (freeswitch), but if you start a new conference it will use jitsi by default. This means that if you start a conference on the new version of the app, anyone who is on an older version won’t be able to join — all the more reason to upgrade to the latest and greatest!

The _really_ dark theme

The dark theme is nice, but couldn’t it be… darker? Thanks to keithzg, Android has gained a true black theme, taking maximum advantage of OLED power saving. Behold:

On the left: dark theme; on the right: black theme

Widgets are now in labs!

It’s very early days and the UX is still in early development, but widgets are now available for testing in labs. If you’re eager to help us develop this feature, give it a try and let us know how you get on!

Lots of other performance and UX improvements:

  • (iOS) New incoming call screen — courtesy of Denis (one of this year’s batch of GSoCers) a new improved incoming call screen comes to iOS
  • (Android) Custom notification sound — personalise your experience by choosing your own notif. alert sound
  • (Android) Improved initial sync speed for power users

Stay tuned for more news!

We’re hard at work on new features — groups really is now agonisingly close 😜. And as always, check the changelogs for the finer details (Matrix Android SDK, the Android app, the Matrix iOS SDK, MatrixKit, and the iOS app).



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