Riot Mobile Update + Brand New Website!
2 min readFeb 26, 2019


Hot on the heels of Riot Web 1.0 we’ve released updates to Riot Android and iOS with all new colours and automatic secure key backup for your encryption keys so you’ll never again lose your encrypted messages! Plus, the Riot Website ( has had a complete and beautiful overhaul! Now featuring much more useful and up-to-date information and much less eye-injuring purple🎆.

Let’s hear about Riot Mobile!

Fresh Colours

We’ve refreshed the Light Theme, Dark Theme and Black Theme on the mobile clients to bring the colours in line with the latest design on Riot Web.

Automatic Key Backup

Riot helps keep your encrypted messages private by deleting the keys from your device when you log out. We’ve always encouraged users to keep a backup of their keys, but it was too easy to make a mistake, losing access to your encrypted messages for good.

Riot Web 1.0 introduced a solution: automatic key backup — the latest release brings this feature to Riot Mobile.

The magic in action on Riot Android

The blog post announcing Riot Web 1.0 and the Riot Encryption FAQ page go into more detail about how key backup works, but there are two very important details:

To protect your privacy your keys will never touch the servers unencrypted. To ensure those keys can only ever be accessed by you, they are encrypted on your device, with a key that you either store yourself or secure with a passphrase and upload to your server.

We think this is a great feature, but enabling it is optional. If you choose, you can leave the feature disabled and continue to maintain your own backups manually.

Tell me about Riot’s new website!

Thanks to a Herculean effort from our designer, Nad, Riot has a brand new website with all new styling and all new content (including our Github stars: go wild and click!). What are you waiting for? Read it now!

What’s next?

Up next for Mobile is emoji device verification, which will be landing on iOS and Android soon. And we’re going to keep up the pace on Riot Web, with Yet More Improvements to encryption usability next on our agenda. Stay tuned!



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