How I dealt with social problems through personality development

Self improvement
4 min readSep 18, 2020


There are many people who struggle for self- respect in society and friends. It’s not that they don’t deserve respect, it’s just that they are not having the right personality worth respecting at that moment of life. Also, I had noticed that people who struggle for a position in society are the ones who are low in self- confidence. Hence it becomes an important point for discussion today.

Before some time, I was struggling with these problems. Also, there are actually things you cannot talk about with even your best friends. But not to worry I’ll tell you a proper solution to it. This article is not only for people struggling with social problems but also for people who want to make there personality attractive.

Improving your personality

Personality is something that is not the topic taught in schools and colleges. For sure in schools, we are busy enjoying our life. We forgot about the importance of personality. But the reality is whether going for an interview or startup funding or even for a marriage proposal personality is the first thing people will judge you through.

Here are some tips to improve your personality which is the first building block of everything you do in life.

  1. Reading books
  2. Reading news and blogs
  3. Meditation
  4. Exercise
  5. Learning new skills
  6. Enjoy life

Reading books

Reading books is the most important part of life. It actually tells you how to think in a way you actually want to think but never get a chance to do so. Schools and college are not actually making our mindsets, they are just giving us knowledge. books give us a way to think in a way we want and to think about how our role models use to think. Having a learning habit not only helps you in your academics but also in building up a successful mindset.

Reading news and blogs

This is actually one of my hobbies, but I recommend this to people of every age group. People use to make fun of what’s going to happen to know about the whole world. But actually, this helps you understand the world better in a more realistic way. Socially you become more aware and react to things more logically. Reading news not only includes cross border news but also about your career and your interest. You can know about the upcoming opportunities suitable for you and can start working for them in advance. Finally knowing about people thoughts and opinion is the best way to learn living life.


Meditation is the best way to improve your personality. Meditation makes you self - aware. I know many of you might be thinking about the relationship between meditation and personality. But simply I want to tell you that it helped me a lot. This is meant for people with a low Self -Esteem and low self-confidence. The most important benefit of meditation is it helps you be self -disciple. You get control over your mind and body, which is most important for a good personality.

But here a thing people use to leave meditation because it seems very boring to do and initially or after people cannot notice it’s benefit. But trust me, do it for some time and alongside read a book Get Some Headspace.


Doing exercise is very important for your brain and body. The first thing a person notices in your personality is your physical fitness and body shape. Just impress them in the first shot.

Join a gym. If don’t have time, just do jogging and stretching. Maybe you are a gym enthusiast who likes bodybuilding, what I know is that exercise is the best thing you can do to improve your personality.

Learning new skills

Pursuing hobbies is never a bad idea. Any type of skill is it dancing, singing, painting or any other creating skill working for them will give an internal satisfaction. Research shows that creative skills help in making good neural connections in brain.

Self-satisfaction is a need for being a good human being. Hobbies are an excellent way to achieve it.

Enjoy life

Life is meant to live. You will never get these moments again. Your family and friends are the only assets you have got, Value them and care for them.

A person who is not happy and never satisfied will not be satisfied if he is the richest person in this world. Accept a fact, somethings are not in our control. Let them be.

Just remind one thing

Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you.”


Struggling with self- confidence and social problems is not easy, in fact when there is no one to guide you. But the bitter truth even after reading so many books and blogs, the only solution I got is

Only you can solve the riddle of your mind and every problem in you.

Take out time for yourself minimum an hour and work on whatever you want, be it books, music, dance anything. Work on your skill. Spending time with ourself is as important as eating food.

Sit for a while think about it , where you actually lagging. Meditation will help you this time. Understand yourself ,who you are actually , what are your strengths and weakness and most important thing , what you actually want to do in life.


Only you can solve the riddle of your life

