Ansible: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide

Ritaj biri
10 min readFeb 7, 2024


RHEL 8.4 was used for this article

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Ansible is an open-source automation and configuration management tool. It simplifies the process of deploying, configuring, and managing systems using a language called YAML. It is agentless, meaning it doesn’t require software installation on target systems.

This article provides a comprehensive guide on Ansible. It explains the installation process and covers basic usage examples of Ansible playbooks.

Installation Steps:

sudo dnf -y install
  • Install Ansible:
sudo yum install ansible

During the installation, you will be prompted to install dependencies. Enter “Y” to install all dependencies.

The following packages will be downloaded, If they are not already installed:


Verify the installation:

After the installation is complete, you can verify the installation of Ansible by checking its version:

ansible --version


In Ansible, playbooks are used to describe automation tasks. They are written in YAML format and consist of plays, containing a series of tasks to be executed on remote hosts.

+--------------------------+        +------------------------+        +-------------------+
| | | | | |
| Ansible Control Server | | Hosts File | | Playbooks |
| | | | | |
+--------------------------+ +------------------------+ +-------------------+
| | | | | |
| Acts as the central | | Contains a list of | | Contains the |
| management point for | | target hosts where | | automation |
| Ansible operations. | | Ansible operations | | instructions |
| | | will be executed. | | written in |
| | | | | YAML format. |
| | | | | |
| Manages and controls | | Each host is defined | | Defines tasks, |
| the inventory of | | by an IP address or | | configurations, |
| target hosts. | | hostname along with | | and other |
| | | other optional | | actions to be |
| | | parameters. | | executed on |
| | | | | target hosts. |
| | | | | |
| Executes playbooks | | | | |
| on target hosts. | | | | |
| | | | | |
+--------------------------+ +------------------------+ +-------------------+

Target Authentication:

Ansible enables host key checking by default. If a new host is not in ‘known_hosts’ your Ansible control machine may prompt for confirmation of the key, which results in an interactive experience.

If you understand the implications and wish to disable this behavior, you can do so by editing /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg:

host_key_checking = False

Basic SSH Authentication

You can configure your Ansible playbook to prompt for both the SSH password and the sudo password each time a playbook is run. This can be done by using the --ask-pass and --ask-become-pass options. These options ensure that no passwords are stored in your configuration files.

SSH key-based Authentication

Instead of using password authentication, it is recommended to set up SSH key-based authentication between the Ansible control machine and the target hosts. This involves generating SSH key pairs, adding the public key to the authorized keys of the target hosts, and configuring Ansible to use the private key for authentication. SSH key-based authentication improves security and eliminates the need for password authentication.

To set up the SSH keys, I suggest creating a user named ansible on the target machines and editing the sudoers file to add the (NOPASSWD: ALL) attribute, to allow passwordless sudo for the ansible user.

  • Create the user ansible (on the target host):
useradd ansible
  • Set a password:
passwd ansible
  • Edit the sudoers file (on the target host):
nano /etc/sudoers
  • Add the entry:


  • Generate SSH key on the Ansible Control Server (this is only done once):

You will be prompted to enter a file name to save the key pair.

Press Enter to use the default value.

  • From the Ansible Control server copy the key to the target host with the user created in the previous step:
ssh-copy-id ansible@

Repeat this step for each target host.

Password changes on the targets will not have an affect on the authentication using the SSH keys.

Basic Example:

  • Edit the hosts file (or create a new one) to add your target machines:
nano /etc/ansible/hosts


10.1XX.XX.XX ansible_user=ansible
10.1XX.XX.XX ansible_user=ritaj

[linux] is the group name (choose whatever name you need).

  • Run a ping test on the target machines:
ansible -i /etc/ansible/hosts linux -m ping

The -i option in Ansible is used to specify the inventory file that contains the list of target hosts on which the playbook will be executed.

The -m option specifies the Ansible module to use, which is “ping” in this case.

Debug Module:

In Ansible, the debug module provides two parameters that can be used to display information: msg and var. Here’s the difference between them:

msg is used to display a simple message as the output of the debug module. It is useful for displaying static or pre-defined messages.


name: Display a message
msg: "This is a static message"

In this case, the debug module will display the message “This is a static message” as the output.

var is used to display the value of a variable or attribute as the output of the debug module. It allows you to display dynamic values during playbook execution.


name: Display a variable value
my_variable: "Hello, World!"
var: my_variable

In this case, the debug module will display “Hello, World!”.

Playbook Example1:

A playbook that checks the hostname of the target machines:

  • Create a playbook file:
nano playbook.yml
  • Paste the following:
- name: hostname check Playbook
hosts: linux
become: yes
- name: Execute a command
command: hostname
register: command_output
- name: Display command output
var: command_output.stdout

Note: The spaces in the playbook are necessary for YAML structure, otherwise there will be a syntax error.

You can run a syntax check using the following command:

ansible-playbook --syntax-check -i hosts playbook.yml

The — — — indicates the start of a YAML document.

name: is a descriptive name given to the playbook.

hosts: specifies that the playbook should be applied to the linux group.

Become: yes is used for running the command with Sudo privilege.

tasks: indicates the start of the tasks section, where individual tasks are defined.

The register keyword allows you to store the result of the module’s execution into a variable that you can later reference in the playbook.

The command_output variable is created using the register keyword. (Note: You can choose any other name for the command_output variable.)

debug: a module used to display information during playbook execution.

By accessing the stdout attribute of the command_output variable, you can retrieve the output generated by the “hostname” command.

  • Run the playbook:
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml

The hosts file and playbook.yml are both in my cwd.

Notes about this playbook:

(var: command_output.stdout) will only display the standard output (stdout) of the command stored in the command_output variable. It will exclude any error output or any other information that might be captured in the command_output variable.

(var: command_output) will display the entire content of the command_output variable, including the stdout as well as other information like standard error (stderr), return code, command used, etc. It provides more detailed information about the command execution.

Playbook Example2:

Another basic playbook for creating a file:

- name: Basic RHEL Playbook
hosts: linux
become: False
- name: Execute a command
command: touch ansible-test.txt

Playbook Example3:

A playbook to only check if the specified packages are installed and reports back without installing them.

In this playbook, the {{ }} syntax allows for dynamic substitution of values or variables in the playbook. In this case, it is used to dynamically insert package names into the rpm -q command and to access the output of the command for each package.

- name: Check if listed package is installed or not on Red Hat Linux
hosts: linux
become: true

- sssd
- realmd
- oddjob
- oddjob-mkhomedir
- adcli
- samba-common
- samba-common-tools
- krb5-workstation
- openldap-clients

- name: Check if packages are installed
command: rpm -q "{{ item }}"
loop: "{{ package_names }}"
register: command_output
changed_when: false

- name: Display command output
msg: "{{ item.stdout }}"
loop: "{{ command_output.results }}" #has to be a list
label: "{{ item.item }}"

The result of each iteration is stored in the command_output variable using the register directive.

The (changed_when: false) directive ensures that the task is always marked as “not changed” in the output.

In this playbook, the purpose of the task is to check if packages are installed, not to install or update them. Therefore, even if the package is already installed, the task should be considered as “not changed” because it did not modify the system.

The debug module is used to display the output of the previous command for each package.

item is a default variable in Ansible. It is commonly used in looping constructs.

The item.stdout variable represents the standard output of the command.

The loop directive iterates over the command_output.results list, which contains the results of the previous task’s iterations.

The loop_control directive is used to label each iteration with the corresponding package name using item.item.

label: The label attribute within loop_control is used to set a custom label for each iteration of the loop. It can be useful for identifying or referencing a specific iteration.

Playbook Example 4:

The following example shows a simpler output, It shows what servers have all packages installed and which do not:

- name: Check package installation
hosts: linux
become: true
- sssd
- realmd
- oddjob
- oddjob-mkhomedir
- adcli
- samba-common
- samba-common-tools
- krb5-workstation
- openldap-clients

- name: "Check if listed package is installed or not"
command: rpm -q "{{ item }}"
loop: "{{ package_names }}"
register: package_check
changed_when: false

- name: "Print execution results"
msg: "Packages are installed"
when: package_check is succeeded

If the package is installed, The rpm -q the command will return the package version information. If the package is not installed, the command will return an error message.

The package_check variable will contain the output of the command execution, including the command’s return code and the standard output.

In the when condition, If the task was successful, it means that the package is installed for each item in the package_names list. Therefore, the debug task with the message “Packages are installed” will be executed (and If the task failed, the debug task will be skipped).

Playbook Example 5:

The following playbook Installs the missing packages:

- name: Installing missing packages
hosts: linux
become: true
- name: Install required packages
name: "{{ item }}"
state: present
- libnetapi
- samba-dcerpc #already exists for testing
- openldap-clients #already exists for testing
register: package_installation

- name: Display status of package installation
msg: "{{ item.item }} is successfully installed"
loop: "{{ package_installation.results }}"
when: package.changed
label: "{{ item.item }}"

The yum task installs the required packages using the loop directive.

The state parameter is set to present, indicating that the package should be present on the system.

The item.item expression is used to access the value of the item variable within each iteration of the loop.

In this case, the item.item expression is used to access the value of the item variable, which represents the name of the package being installed.

package_installation.results: This refers to the results attribute of the package_installation variable.

loop: “{{ package_installation.results }}”: This line specifies that the loop should iterate over the elements of the package_installation.results list.

The line when: package.changed sets a condition for the loop to execute the debug task. It specifies that the debug task will only be executed if the package being iterated over in the loop has changed.

Playbook Example 6:

Restart the SSH Service:

- name: Restart the sshd Service
hosts: linux
become: true

- name: Restart sshd service
name: sshd
state: restarted

The state parameter is set to restarted, indicating that the task should ensure that the SSH service is in the “restarted” state. If the service is already running, it will be stopped and then started again, effectively restarting it.

The state parameter of the service module in Ansible can take several different values to manage the state of a service. Here are some of the commonly used states:

started: Ensures that the service is running. If the service is already running, no action is taken. If the service is stopped, it will be started.

stopped: Ensures that the service is stopped. If the service is already stopped, no action is taken.

restarted: Ensures that the service is restarted. If the service is running, it will be stopped and then started again. If the service is stopped, it will be started.

reloaded: Reloads the configuration of the service. This is useful when you want to apply changes to the service’s configuration without stopping or starting the service itself.

enabled: Ensures that the service is set to start automatically at system boot. This state will enable the service if it is currently disabled.

disabled: Ensures that the service is set to not start automatically at system boot. This state will disable the service if it is currently enabled.

masked: Masks the service, preventing it from starting or being managed by the service manager. This state is typically used to prevent a service from starting accidentally or to mark it as permanently disabled.

Playbook Example7:

A playbook to create a user (if not already created):

- name: Create users and add to wheel group
hosts: all
become: yes

- name: "ritaj_password"
prompt: "Enter password for the ritaj user"
private: yes

- name: Ensure user ritaj exists
name: ritaj
password: "{{ ritaj_password | password_hash('sha512', 'passlib') }}"
state: present
when: not ritaj_user_exists.stat.exists

- name: Add user ritaj to the wheel group
name: ritaj
groups: wheel
append: yes
when: not ritaj_user_exists.stat.exists

- name: Check if ritaj user exists
path: /home/ritaj
register: ritaj_user_exists


