Project Management Digest, February 2019

7 min readFeb 28, 2019


This is the second release of our monthly project management digest focused primarily on materials and resources for project managers. However, we’re looking to keep it interesting for everybody working in the IT field.

Topical articles of the month

Most popular articles

Product management and startups

Career and leadership

  • How to Unleash Your Presence as a Leader. Your presence as a leader is vital to success of the project. But how to gain this skill set? Share your own experience in increasing your influence with teams.
  • 3 Tips For Assuming an Existing Project. It may be not simple to join an existing project team. Assuming responsibility for a project that has already launched is a lot different than starting from the beginning. Here are 3 tips which can help you when assuming control of an existing project.
  • Are PMs Too Risk Averse to Be Innovators?. Innovation is not traditionally a friend of project management. How can we change this?

Agile and Scrum

Productivity and teamwork

Risk management

Most discussed and controversial articles

Entertainment content

The best resources for project managers

General resources

  • Project Times. A website that publishes articles, templates, webinars, whitepapers, and other useful resources on project management, communication, leadership, requirements, and stakeholder management.
  • PMTips — as you can guess from the name, this website provides your tips, advice, and resources on project management and various aspects of it.
  • Project Smart — the project management resource that helps managers at all levels improve their performance providing them a great knowledge base with weekly updates.

Author blogs

  • Gunther Verheyen’s Blog (Ullizee) — the website is active since 2008 and has an excellent collection of posts and other resource (books, posters, papers, quotes, videos) focused on Agile and Scrum.
  • The Lazy Project Manager — founded by Peter Taylor in 2009, the blog provides project management hacks, shortcuts, and innovative tactics for project managers.
  • Green Project Management Blog — active since 2015, the blog is focused on “integrating sustainability and value-based methods in the practice of project management” and contains a lot of fresh and original content.
  • ProductMetrics — owned by Joshua, a product manager and a data fan, the blog includes thoughts and tutorials on product metrics, analytics and data management. In the last series of posts the author tells about Python and how it can help product managers.

Books and educational resources

Currently active PM podcasts

  • How I Built This, hosted by Guy Raz. The podcast includes 145 free episodes (from 2016 till present) about managing startups, founding teams, the raising investments, and the pivotal decisions. Each episode is about 30–60 minutes long.
  • People and Projects Podcast — 248 episodes which are published since 2009 with duration from several minutes to about an hour. The podcasts includes interviews and insights to help managers and product owners deliver projects and lead teams. Run by Andy Kaufman, the PPP offers both free and paid series.
  • Fix My Project Chaos podcast by Elise Stevens includes 161 free episodes which were started in 2014. Each takes about 10–30 minutes and tells about project and product management, leadership, cooperation, and much more.

Medium publications and authors

  • Publishous. A place where you can read articles on productivity, leadership, entrepreneurship, business, and share your own related publications if you wish. The goal of the community is “to motivate and entertain people”.
  • James Beswick in ITNEXT. The author combines the roles of technical product manager, software developer, co-founder, so his articles cover many topics and fields of expertise including Agile, product management, technology, DevOps, cloud computing, startups etc.
  • Prateek Singh in Hacker Noon. It may be difficult to find PM-oriented content in a great but a little “high-traffic” Hacker Noon community with “7,000+ contributing writers, 200,000+ daily visitors, and 8,000,000+ monthly pageviews.” However, product managers should pay attention on some particular writers there. For example, Prateek Singh writes about product management, software development, Agile, sprint management, and much more.

Reddit communities

  • ProductManagement — a big Reddit community of product managers with 9,400+ Subscribers, strict policy regarding all kind of spam, and quite active discussions.
  • Scrum — another Reddit community with 5,400+ subscribers focused on everything about Scrum, iterative and incremental agile software development processes.
  • Management — Reddit community focused on general management topics: lean thinking, Deming, innovation, customer focus, six sigma, continual improvement, agile software development and many related ones.
  • Prodmgmt — not so big but still rather active Reddit community of product managers with 3,600+ members and daily updates.

Slack communities and chats

  • The Digital Project Manager — a Slack community of 2,000+ digital project managers, web PM’s, producers and product managers with many channels for jobs, tools, events, general discussion, and fresh content. The community is gathered by the DPM Team.
  • Mind the Product is another large Slack group owned by MindTheProduct. It includes thousands of product managers and a lot of appropriate channels for events, general discussion, feedback, fresh content, jobs etc.
  • Product Manager HQ is the world’s largest Slack community owned by ProductManagerHQ with 6,300+ users including PMs from Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Slack; 600+ companies represented; 40+ active channels. Lifetime membership costs $25.
  • Startups — quite a friendly chat for everybody working on own projects and managing teams. It includes regional chatrooms, separate channels for “startup events”, “fundraising”, “resources”, “ideas”, “support”, “team building”, “networking”, and many others.

Twitter and Facebook communities

  • For extensive discussions, join Twitter chat for project managers called “#PMChat” that is actively participating each week at about 5 PM GMT; 12:00 EST. It’s entertaining and educational at the same time and raises many relevant topics.
  • Product Managers — the largest Product Managers community on Facebook. Join to discuss fresh content, best practices, exclusive events, and job offers.

Thank you for reading. We hope you’ve found something useful here. If so, we will appreciate if you share the publication with your friends and colleagues.

We would be grateful for any suggestions for the next digest. Follow us on social media or subscribe to our blog not miss it.

The previous release: Project Management Digest, January 2019.

