RiveX WRC-20 to ERC-20 Token Swap Details — Ethereum, here we come!

RiveX Foundation
Published in
4 min readSep 23, 2020

Details on the upcoming RVX token swap process

Dear Rivexians!

As you all should know by now, RiveX will be moving the entire RVX supply from WRC-20 to ERC-20. We have prepared a detailed description of what will need to be done in order to get your RVX swapped. Let's dive right into the token swap process!

The Token Swap Process is as follows:

  • The League of Stakes dashboard (https://stakes.rvx.today/) will be used for the token swap — in other words, you will need to stake your RVX balance in order to receive the new ERC-20 RVX.
  • If you have your coins on BitMax, you may have noticed that deposits and withdrawals are currently disabled. Your coins will be automatically swapped in this case, nothing needs to be done.
  • We highly recommend using a wallet created from our official RX Wallet — this will prevent complications with your seed phrase derivation path. Our wallet also supports exporting your specific wallet private key which makes things a lot easier.
  • If you created a League of Stakes browser wallet, ensure that you used only the first address from the address drop-down, and not another address generated from the seed phrase. This is very important otherwise it will lead to complications doing the token swap.
  • Please ensure you have your seed phrase and private key for your RVX address stored securely. To get your private key, log in to the RX Wallet, head over to Settings, Manage Wallets, select your main wallet (where your RVX are stored), then select Export Private Key and follow the prompts.
  • Once you have ensured you have your seed phrase and private key is backed up, proceed to stake your RVX balance if you haven’t already — on-chain is data required for the new ERC-20 RVX distribution.
  • Distribution of the new ERC-20 RVX will be sent back to the same address you used for staking WRC-20 RVX! Keep in mind the address format for Wanchain and Ethereum is the same.
  • The old League of Stakes interface will be open throughout the year with no reward distribution. We will announce the end date for final token swaps.
  • The ERC-20 RVX distribution will happen frequently, meaning once you staked your balance, you will receive your new ERC-20 RVX once distribution begins.

Important links:

League of Stakes updates — staking will be halted!

  • In line with the token swap, League of Stakes rewards distribution will be halted on Sunday, 27th September 2020, and League of Stakes version 2 on the Ethereum network will be launching soon — Stay tuned for the announcement!
  • ERC-20 RVX distribution will begin Wednesday, 30th September 2020. Those currently staking their full RVX balance will not need to do anything.
  • BitMax deposits and withdrawals will resume on Wednesday, 30th September 2020.

RX Wallet updates — switching to the new ERC-20 contract address

  • The RX Wallet contract address for RVX will be updated to the new ERC-20 address and users will need to remove and re-add the RVX asset from the wallet to reflect the new ERC-20 RVX (it will be announced once we swap to the new contract address).

The new ERC-20 RVX contract address is: 0x91d6f6e9026E43240ce6F06Af6a4b33129EBdE94

Chain: ETH

Ticker: RVX

Don’t get scammed!

About RiveX Foundation

RiveX is a chain agnostic interoperable layer-2 solution across different blockchain protocols. RiveX aims to empower the next generation of decentralized applications, decentralized finance and enterprise solutions. RiveX has comprehensive interoperable DeFi solutions such as RX Wallet which aims to integrate DAPPS from different blockchain protocols to enable an interoperable DeFi ecosystem within RX Wallet itself.

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