WRDEX Features

RiveX Foundation
Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2020

A full overview of WRDEX and its features

What is WRDEX?

The Wanchain RiveX decentralized exchange allows users to trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS and many ERC-20 and WRC-20 tokens. More and more assets will be listed on WRDEX allowing for a wider variety of trading pairs once Wanchain has implemented more blockchains using their cross-chain solution. WRDEX is completely non-custodial which means you remain in control of your assets at all times. Since WRDEX is built on the Wanchain blockchain which has a transaction speed of 1000+, transactions are super fast. WRDEX is also accessible via a web portal, RX desktop and mobile wallets, as well as Wanchain Light Wallet. This allows you to trade your assets from within your wallet, rather than having to send them anywhere. WRDEX will also have a simple, easy to understand user interface as well as extensive documentation explaining how to use the exchange.

WRDEX Features


WRDEX makes use of wrapped assets, allowing users to trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS and many ERC-20 and WRC-20 tokens. More and more assets will be listed on WRDEX allowing for a wider variety of trading pairs once Wanchain has implemented more blockchains using their cross-chain solution. Since WRDEX is built on the Wanchain blockchain which has a transaction speed of 1000+, transactions are super fast.

Derivatives Trading

Emerge into an exciting trading experience with structured products and derivatives trading. RiveX has specifically structured innovative and interesting structured products to be traded on WRDEX. These products have their very own unique features. The decentralized world of finance has evolved so rapidly that people in this space are always demanding new products. Here at RiveX, we work very hard to try and meet these unique demands.

Token Launchpad

Exclusively launch WRC20 token standards on WRDEX Launchpad. This will commence in Q2 2020. An accelerated launchpad by RiveX. Projects which are built on the RiveX ecosystem will be able to launch their tokens via this token launchpad. Not only that, anyone who wishes to issue their tokens are able to do so. The token launchpad is selective on projects and individuals. Each respective case is based on a case to case basis.

Decentralized Liquidity

WRDEX welcomes anyone to participate in RiveX’s decentralized shared liquidity pool. The participants will be part of RiveX’s decentralized liquidity provider and earn fees incurred for every transaction. This will commence in Q2/Q3 2020.

On-chain Settlement

All WRDEX transactions occur on-chain for a transparent trading environment. On-chain transactions occur in real-time in order to keep blockchain transactions secure, verifiable, transparent, and instantaneous.

Multi Wallet Integration

Currently supported by RiveX Wallet and Wanchain Light Wallet. Trezor and Ledger are the upcoming supported hardware wallets. More wallets will be supported in future.

WRDEX Web Portal
WRDEX RX Wallet portal
WRDEX Wanchain Light Wallet portal

About RiveX

RiveX is a chain agnostic interoperable layer-2 solution across different blockchain protocols. RiveX aims to empower the next generation of decentralized applications, decentralized finance and enterprise solutions. RiveX has comprehensive interoperable DeFi solutions such as RX Wallet which aims to integrate DAPPS from different blockchain protocols to enable an interoperable DeFi ecosystem within RX Wallet itself. The first DAPP which RX Wallet has already integrated is WRDEX. Another core product powered by RiveX is the world’s first cross-chain DEX called WRDEX.

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