Betahistine Dihydrochloride 16mg Tablets

Rizochem Pharmaceuticals
3 min readNov 23, 2023


Betahistine Dihydrochloride Biohistin 16 Tab disease is a problem of the equilibrium and hearing organs in the inner ear. The side effects incorporate dizziness, vacillations in hearing, tinnitus (ringing of the ears), and strain in the ears. Alongside that, one might encounter unsteadiness, which may cause sickness and regurgitation. The treatment for Meniere’s infection relies on different variables. Subsequently, an open conversation with the specialist can assist with deciding the best treatment system in your own case.

Side effects of Betahistine Dihydrochloride Biohistin 16 Tablets

When used in the amount and duration prescribed by your primary care physician, Biohistin 16mg Tablet is effective. Even if your condition appears to be improving, try to keep taking it. In the event that you quit utilizing Biohistin 8 mg Tablet too soon, the side effects might return or worsen.

What are the triggers for Meniere’s illness?

Meniere’s sickness can be set off by conditions like pressure, exhaust, weakness, profound misery, extra ailments, and tension changes. Alongside that, certain food varieties like dairy items, caffeine, liquor, and food sources with high sodium content might set off Meniere’s illness. A 2-gram/day low-salt eating regimen can assist with controlling dizziness in Meniere’s illness.

What are the typical outcomes of Betahistine Dihydrochloride Biohistin 16 Tablet?

  • Biohistin 16mg Tablet can cause mild stomach issues, for example, regurgitating, stomach torment
  • stomach enlarging (stomach distension), and bulging.
  • You can reduce your chances of experiencing these side effects by taking Biohistin 16mg Tablet with food. However
  • when taken with food
  • the absorption of Biohistin 16mg Tablet may be reduced.

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Consider the possibility that I miss a dose of Biohistin 16mg tablet.

If you forget to take a portion of Biohistin 16 Tablet, take it as soon as you remember. In any case, on the off chance that it is nearly time for your next portion, avoid the missed portion and take the following portion at the booked time. Try not to double the portion to make up for the missed one, as this might expand the possibilities and create secondary effects.

Is dizziness caused by pressure?

Mental pressure can set off dizziness. Betahistine Dihydrochloride Biohistin 16 can aggravate many structures, but it will not cause dizziness in isolation.

What are the reasons for dizziness?

Dizziness can be caused by an unexpected drop in pulse or by becoming dehydrated. Many individuals feel tipsy if they get up excessively fast from sitting or resting. Betahistine Dihydrochloride Biohistin 16 Alongside that, movement afflictions, certain prescriptions, and issues with your inner ear (Meniere’s infection, acoustic neuroma) may cause dizziness. It is critical to understand that dizziness can occasionally be a side effect of other problems (such as multiple sclerosis or a head injury).

How long does Biohistin 16mg Tablet need to be taken?

The duration of treatment with Biohistin 16mg Tablet may vary from patient to patient. Certain individuals respond quickly to treatment, while others might take some time. Consequently, it is encouraged to take your tablets routinely and wait calmly for the outcomes. While you may be unsure, consult with a specialist.

What are the typical side effects of Biohistin 16mg Tablet?

Betahistine Dihydrochloride Biohistin 16 Tablet can cause mild stomach issues, for example, heaving, stomach torment, stomach enlarging (stomach distension), and swelling. By taking Biohistin 16mg Tablet with food, you can reduce your chances of experiencing these side effects. However, when taken with food, the retention of Biohistin 16mg Tablet may be reduced.

Is Betahistine Dihydrochloride Biohistin 16 effective?

Biohistin 16 Tablet is safe if taken in the dose and duration prescribed by your primary care physician. If you stop taking Biohistin 8 mg Tablet too soon, the side effects may return or diminish.

Consider the possibility that I miss a dose of Biohistin 16mg tablet.

If you forget to take a portion of Biohistin 16mg Tablet, take it as soon as you remember. Nonetheless, assuming that it is nearly time for your next portion, avoid the missed portion and take the following portion at the planned time. Avoid doubling the portion to make up for the one you missed, because this could increase the chance of unintended consequences.

How long does Biohistin 16mg Tablet need to be taken?

The duration of treatment with Biohistin 16mg Tablet may vary from patient to patient. Certain individuals respond quickly to treatment, while others might take some time. Consequently, it is encouraged that you take your tablets consistently and wait calmly for the results. While you may be unsure, consult with a specialist.

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