How to win the ChainSplit Token Market on Bitfinex.

2 min readOct 7, 2017


Disclaimer: This is Game Theory

Bitfinex announced — Chain split event Segwit 2x here


  • Split your bitcoin for BT1 (Bitcoin) and BT2 (Segwit2x coin)
  • Sell your BT2 +- 0.25 BTC/BT2
  • Long BTC on 3x (So your net 1 BTC LONG)
  • Receive 1 Segwit2x Coin on ForkDay.
  • Wait till contract ends -> 1.25 BTC + 1 Segwit 2x coin.


  • Counterparty risk
  • BTC Dropping with more than 25% of current price (4340). Therefor you would not make Fiat profit.
  • You Getting liquidated because of 18% downswing on Bitcoin on the day itself. (if you long at the top and it drops 18% at that moment in time.
  • Point 6. of the Ruling.

6.One Chain: In the unlikely event that only one blockchain exists, and it is compatible with the consensus rules of both the Incumbent Blockchain and Segwit2x, then a determination may be made, in the sole and absolute discretion of Bitfinex, as to whether that blockchain is more compatible with the consensus rules of the Incumbent Blockchain or with Segwit2x effective on October 5, 2017. In the event that the blockchain after any fork is more compatible with the October 5, 2017, Incumbent Blockchain, then only BT1 tokens will be convertible, and BT2 tokens shall be deemed to have a value equal to zero. In the event that the blockchain after any fork is more compatible with the October 5, 2017, Segwit2x rules, then only BT2 tokens will be convertible, and BT1 tokens shall be deemed to have a value equal to zero.

Chance of those Risks

- Low.

How to win.

Eliminating Risks

The only risk we can eleminate here is the dropping of Bitcoin in Dollars by heding them on Future products that are offered by or (Quarterlies) on Low leverage (3x). Is this smart? No 1 knows,.

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