Rng Coin blockchain data storage

RNG Coin
2 min readFeb 6, 2019


Transaction metadata storageRNG Coin affords users the ability to add comments to their coin transactions. These comments serve as tamper proof, data storage vessels which are permanently visible on the network. This is an extremely useful and innovative feature designed to promote the user — friendly network.

This feature also creates endless, new opportunities to utilize the decentralized application on the blockchain (dApps). Some of these innovative ideas include the decentralization of voting, email platforms, notaries, and exchanges. Other opportunities include creating a global open library, patent system, pre-generating random numbers, messaging, payment channels, p2p encryption keys, storing smart contracts…etc. The utilization of dApps provides an endless supply of opportunities and capabilities when utilizing this comment/messaging feature to notarize files on the RNG blockchain.

Blockchain-based dapps built on RNG coin — Decentralized and open-sourced data which is stored and visible on the RNG blockchain, also acts as an aggregation. The ability to send data along with the coin transactions means that users can send website links and data.

This includes anything from audio, video, e-books, podcasts, recipes, and even the templates for software source codes, 3D printing templates. This affords content creators the opportunity to distribute their own content and media on their own terms. This eliminates censorship and basically means that RNG users can send whatever they want, to whomever they want, whenever they want to — with a permanent record in the blockchain.

Utilizing this comment/message option allows users the ability to convert their RNG wallet into a private data or an anonymous monetary exchange. Additionally, due to the fact that all comments/messages are sent encrypted, the recipient is only one who is able to decrypt/receive the massage. This encryption can be performed using symmetric or asymmetric encryption methods.

This innovation allows users to transit P2P 100% secure and private data. Which means users can share confidential data, messages, private keys, execute smart contracts, interact with a decentralized exchange, transfer coins anonymously, and much, much more.



RNG Coin

RNG Coin is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency and open source software project.