Inspiration is easy and that is what makes it great!

Rob Dukarski
2 min readAug 4, 2015

The fact that we as humans can easily be inspired to do more to help out ourselves and ultimately the community in which we live is a great thing. I for one, do not know why anyone would want to live without happiness. For me happiness is always inside as I allow myself to be satisfied by the littlest of things. I cannot imagine living my life any other way than being satisfied, I mean without feeling the best that we can there would be no reason for existence.

In reading that article I kept wondering why you would ever feel ashamed of anything you do. The human experience is all that we have and the way you choose to live should never bring about shame.

Shame leads to wasted time lost in wonder.

If you do not let it affect you, then you’ll have all of the time you would have spent contemplating the situation to use for anything else you desire.

To share that living shamelessly, if I understood your position correctly, is an act of radical resistance kept me inspired to respond. I want to help the world, the beings within it, and all that has feelings to strive to live ways in which would keep them satisfied. Why would anyone want to live without being satisfied in all that they do? Why would anyone want to feel shame or unfulfilled in this existence? I struggle with situations everyday but I look for the satisfaction that I gained through those situations however weird it may be and I continue to push forward. Is it really that difficult for everyone else to do the same?

I personally wish everyone would feel more inspired, more happy, more satisfied. If everyone were satisfied with their own lives then there would be no conflict. People would not strive to take what is not theirs they would instead offer a trade of sorts in order to make sure that both parties gained satisfaction from the exchange. If a trade as such would be made in a few days, it would prove to be significantly more forgiving than a conflict of war between parties that I assume would generally last longer and use more resources ultimately leaving one party dissatisfied with the outcome, again assuming they would not gain satisfaction from the loss.

In the end all we have is time. Time does not stop. Time is constant. If we do not use the time we have in order to make us feel the best that we can then we are just wasting our existence.



Rob Dukarski

23, Web Developer, Eagle Scout; Living the purple life!!