Poem Of The Day ( 3/3 )

Robert Awere
1 min readSep 4, 2022
concept_art_teenage_boy: pic: R.Awere

Poem of the day — The Evening

This story begins at the start of the day,
HE woke up, took a piss…and went on his way.

Awakeing, much later, with HER head in a spin…
a Vodka and Tonic with plenty of Gin.

THE baby, cries loudly, tears a plenty…
HER name is Delilah, her bottle is empty.

MY Lunch is not ready, when I return home from school…
I’m told to ‘Fuck Off’…’do you think we won the pools’.

I go back to school, my belly is growling…
HE’s not home yet, and SHE’s still scowling.

The Baby’s nappy was wet, unattended i thought…
THEY just don’t care, so why was Delilah born.

The Evening arrives, WE are finally united…
Delilah is fed, and truly delighted.

I finally go to bed, my belly is full…
THEY go to sleep, after a boozy furore.

Late evening is still, as I lay in my bed…
I woke , took a knife and light-footed to THEIR beds.

I stabbed each and EVERYONE, till they breathed no more…
Delilah woke up, I can’t imagine what she saw.

That evening, I forget, I refuse to remember…
That evening, my family was ended forever.



Robert Awere

…’Geordie’ author, based in Belgium, exploring the new world of ‘Medium’. Sharing his points of view, experience & humor. Happy reading!