Robert Bailey UC Berkeley
Robert Bailey UC Berkeley

The Value of Record-Keeping in Education Explained by Robert Bailey of UC Berkeley

Robert Bailey UC Berkley
3 min readJun 12, 2020

Robert Bailey, former Director of Admissions and Records at UC Berkeley, explains the importance of accurate record-keeping in education.

Schools are responsible for providing students with an adequate education. However, they must also have excellent record-keeping systems in place. Robert Bailey, former Director of Admissions and Records at UC Berkeley, explains that records must be managed appropriately from creation to disposal. Records are the foundation of operations and school administration, including information about student reports, financial documents, personnel, facilities, school council, and correspondence.

According to Robert Bailey UC Berkeley, records must be safely stored in a suitable environment with restricted access. Under the Public Records Act of 1973, each record has a life-span depending on the type of information included. Robert Bailey explains that some records are to be destroyed immediately, while others are meant to be kept forever.

Records are essential to the functionality, efficiency, and legitimacy of a school. Robert Bailey of UC Berkeley explains that people are always allowed access to their records. These documents are often needed when applying for jobs, joining the armed forces, or for citizenship enrollment. Robert Bailey UC Berkeley notes that it is the school’s responsibility to provide the records to ex-students and current students when they request them.

Employee documents must be stored and maintained over time for both the security of students and for the benefit of the school. Robert Bailey UC Berkeley explains that personnel files are extremely handy for documenting background checks, complaints, and incidents. According to Robert Bailey of UC Berkeley, records are also used for tracking goals, promotions, and achievement.

If a previously employed team member wanted to work at the school again, their old file should be used as a reference for rehire eligibility. If they are to be re-employed, the school will continue to use the same file. Robert Bailey of UC Berkeley notes that schools must keep employee files for at least 50 years after their termination date.

In addition to files about students and staff, schools should maintain records for the campus facilities. Repairs and regular maintenance are essential for keeping a school clean and safe. Like previously mentioned, there may be legislation in place for your school district, which requires records to be kept for a specified period. Robert Bailey UC Berkeley notes that all asbestos-related records must be retained indefinitely, even if an RDA says it can be removed.

Finally, Robert Bailey of UC Berkeley explains that schools must also keep financial records. Financial records include invoices, statements, and receipts for all operations. Typically, these documents are kept for at least seven years. However, in some instances, it is appropriate to keep them indefinitely. Robert Bailey of UC Berkeley notes that annual financial statements are permanent, and signed off by an auditor before being presented to the school council.



Robert Bailey UC Berkley

Robert Bailey is a highly experienced consultant and administrator. He produces deliverables on time and under budget.