An Important Notice for Users of the Psychology of Attractiveness App

Dr. Robert Burriss
2 min readJun 9, 2016

I started producing my monthly science show, the Psychology of Attractiveness Podcast, in April 2009. I’ve been posting episode scripts here on Medium and on my blog at Psychology Today since last year. But not everyone wants to use iTunes or the podcasts app. Not everyone wants to follow a Medium blog. That’s why a few months ago I took advantage of the free platform provided by to create a Psychology of Attractiveness App, so that you could subscribe in the quickest and easiest way.

The Psychology of Attractiveness App will stop working in early July 2016

The podcasts and blogs I record and write will always be free. And I was excited that DWNLD was offering content creators free tools to create really good-looking and functional apps. Several hundred of you have downloaded the Psychology of Attractiveness App already. Which is why I was disheartened to receive an email from DWNLD a few minutes ago, informing users that our apps will be deleted in a month’s time if we don’t move to the $30 per month pro package.

I understand why DWNLD have made this change. They provided a free product; they no longer find that arrangement worthwhile; they are under no obligation to give me free stuff.

If all of my listeners came through the app, I would consider paying. But my podcast subscribers outnumber those who have downloaded the app by 35 times. If all my readers came through the app, I would consider paying. But my readers on Medium and Psychology Today outnumber app downloaders 150 times.

The email I received from DWNLD on 9th June.

In short, it doesn’t make sense for me to pay $360 a year to provide a service to such a small percentage of my audience.

I want to thank all of you who have downloaded the app. I know you have the whole internet to play with, and I am amazed that you choose to spend time listening to and reading my [admittedly very well researched] waffle. I hope that you will consider subscribing to my podcast using the Podcasts app on your Apple device, or Stitcher if you have an Android device (RSS here). You can continue to read my blogs here on Medium (RSS here) or on Psychology Today. They will always be free.




Dr. Robert Burriss

Evolutionary psychologist. Studies human attraction and mate choice. More at