Top Critical Environments Control Solution Products

Robert F
5 min readMay 30, 2015


Image by Ferrous Büller

In environments where there is significant risk of infection or disease exposure it is necessary that the top critical environments control solution products be used to ensure that these hazards do not become a problem within the facility. It takes just one single droplet of infection to float through the air to cause a massive amount of problems, including infecting other people and causing sickness. The critical environments control solution products ensure the health and safety of employees and anyone else who is entering the facility. Numerous types of critical environments control solution products are available. While each type of facility will require a different array of products, they all provide the same benefit and should not be outside of your facility another moment unless risk taking is something that you enjoy. It is far easier to obey your oath and keep everyone protected with the addition of products that prevent or greatly reduce the risk of exposure.

Not only do you run the risk of causing illness and infection too many people if you choose not to add critical environments control solution products to your facility, the potential of death, long-term illness and facility investigation are also possible. These are all things that can be prevented, and should be. Far too many products are out there to play around with so many lives and your future.

Let’s take a look at the top products that you can purchase to secure your facility’s safety. These products are categorized according to the type of facility. Remember these are only some of the products which can be used to prevent disaster. If you want to get your hands on the very best that is offered, make a visit to Phoenix Controls where you can find high-quality products that will keep everyone safe.

Research Facilities

Research facilities handle dangerous products which can easily cause contamination if exposure occurs. Not only does this cause disaster with the research that is being conducted, it also causes potential health risks to those working inside of the facility. There are several different products which can minimize those risks and increase your peace of mind.

Pharmaceutical Clean Room: The Pharmaceutical Clean Room is a stable, sterilized and clean surface for clean rooms. It can be used to store items that must be completely sanitary when used.

Chemical Fume Hood Lab: If you are working inside of a research environment that tests chemicals, the smells can become quite gruesome very quickly. Many are dangerous to inhale to make matters worse. To the rescue is the chemical fume hood lab. This hood lab controls those fumes and keeps you safer.

Healthcare Facilities

Hospitals are one of the biggest facilities that require critical environments control solutions. Most healthcare facilities will use a combination of solutions in order to provide the most beneficial results. It is always better to be safe than to be sorry, as they say, and a hospital or other healthcare facility is one that can cause you a great deal of illness if all precautions have not been taken. This environment sees many different people each and every day who carry with them many infectious diseases. Hospitals must take every precaution to prevent the spread of these illnesses. This starts with the use of the control solution products. As with research facility products, there are a number of different products which can be used inside of a healthcare facility, including a hospital.

Hospital Pharmacy: You need to ensure that the hospital pharmacy is free of containment's. People trust the pharmacy to provide them with the medication needed to help them recover from their illness, to prevent future problems and to otherwise help them heal enough to go back to their home where they are the most comfortable. Thus it is imperative that the environment always be germ-free and capable of dispensing medication that is known to be safe and free of any type of containment's. The hospital pharmacy product is one way to ensure complete safety of patients and hospital employees. It works to keep all medications, tools and utensils sanitized and safe for when they are needed.

Medical Surgical Spaces: Medical Surgical area of the healthcare facility must also be 100% free of germs and containment's. It is this area of the hospital that handles some of the most vulnerable patients who could become ill or even pass away if containment's invade the area. You can easily prevent this with the addition of this special airflow and climate control system. It is accurate and responsible, and it also reduces energy costs considerably.

Government Facilities

Laboratories and research facilities are just two examples of the types of government facilities that need critical environments control solution. There are a number of different products that can be added to the facility to provide this resource.

Directional Air Flow System: The directional air flow system is one n which can easily be installed into the air ducts of your facility. Once it is installed it will provide continuous clean, crisp and fresh air throughout the facility while also removing many different containment's. These systems are used in many other areas where critical environments are present. They’re highly beneficial to say the least.

Venturi Valves: Venturi valves can easily be added to a building with critical airflow quality. These easy-to-install valves enable better air quality to be enjoyed throughout the area, preventing many potential problems.

These are just some of the many different environments that require critical environments control solutions as well as the products that you can use to ensure the safety of your facility. It is in your best interest to stop procrastinating and take a look at the array of products available, choosing those that are best suited to meet your needs. Critical environments control solution products are not optional! There is just too much on the line to risk it all. Instead get into action and protect yourself and those that you are helping to serve.

