Professional writer
3 min readOct 27, 2016

How we build strong teams

It precedes great leadership to build strong teams. Leaders who are not afraid to course correct, make the difficult choice and establish standards of performance that are regularly being met — and improving at all times. Whether in the professional sports, workplace, or your local community, team building requires an intense understanding of people, their power and what bring them excited to work with others. Team building requires the management system of egos and their constant demands for security and recognition — not always warranted.Team building is both a science and an art and the leader who can frequently build high performance teams is worth their weight in gold.

History has displayed us that it takes a special kind of leader with unique competencies and experience to successfully build great companies and motivate teams. In this sports world, the late John Wooden set the standard for great coaches, leading UCLA to 10 NCAA national basketball championships in a 12-year stage — seven in a row. His success was so iconic, Wooden created his own “Pyramid for Success” to help others excel over his proven wisdom.

In the business world, we can look to Jack Welsh, who was the Chairman and CEO of General Electric between 1981 and 2001. According to Wikipedia, the company’s value rose 4000% during his occupation. In 2006 Welch’s net worth was estimated at $720 million and in 2009; he launched the Jack Welsh Management Institute at Stayer University.

Team Building companies requires the know-how to build long-lasting strong teams. This is why biggest managers never become leaders and why most leaders never reach the highest position of leadership success. It requires the qualification to master the “art of people” and knowing how to maneuver hundreds of people at the right time and at the right place. It means knowing how each person realizes and how to best employ their competencies rightly at all times. It’s playing a continuous like a chess match — knowing that every wrong movement that is made can worth the company hundreds of thousands; if not millions of dollars.

As you evaluate the sustainability of the team’s you lead and its real impact on the organization you handle, here are some ways successful motivation teams are built to last:

  1. Be Careful of How You Work

As the leader of the team, you must be extremely careful of your leadership style (way) and techniques. Are they as impressive as you think? How well are they accepted by the best team you are attempting to lead? Calculate yourself and be critical about where you can improve, especially in areas that will benefit those whom you are a well-known.

Though you may be in-charge, how you work may not be appreciated by those who work for you. You may have good acceptation, but make sure you hold yourself accountable to course-perfect and modify your approach if necessary to satisfy that you’re leading from a position of strength and respectability.

Be your own boss. Be soft. Know who you are as a leader.

  1. Get to Know the Vocation of the Team

Mostly like you need to hold yourself accountable for your behavior to assure you maximize performance and results, you must make the time to get to know your team and boost companionship. In my “emotional intelligence SRS Group,” I discuss the importance of caring, understanding the needs of your best team and embracing differences and helping your best colleagues experience their significance. In this case, collection intelligence means learning what defines the strengths and capabilities of your company team — the real assets that particular member brings to the table, those they leave behind and those yet to be developed.

All big leaders know exactly what buttons to push and when to push them. They are experts at activating the expertise that surrounds them. They are justifying as effective at matching exclusive areas of subject matter expertise or competencies to solve problems and seek new solutions.

Totally knowing your team means that you have invested the time to understand how they are connected to think and what is required to motivate them to excel beyond what is expected from them.By SRS Group

Think of your awesome team as amaze pieces that can be placed together in a variety of ways.

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Originally published at on October 27, 2016.