Effective Triggers that Lead to User Activation (SaaS)

2 min readJul 2, 2019


Activation is all about hitting the WOW moment of your customer. Depending on what you offer, it always takes a little while before your visitor understands what you’re selling. The closer your product fits with the needs of the customer, the higher your chances are to convert. In this article you’ll find a couple of activation triggers that you can use if you work with SaaS. These triggers will help getting your visitor closer to the WOW moment of your offer.

Free Trial (SaaS)

When you offer a software as a service the conversion moment is much further ahead then for example a webshop that sells physical products. Making your software free to use for a certain period will lead to more signups and better chances of high conversion rates. The activation moment for these kind of services are usually conceived while using the actual service itself.

Product Tour

Highly effective when you offer a service which can be complicated to understand immediately. Often used by SaaS companies. Creating a first time step-by-step tour that explains how to use the service. This helps to get your new user to actually try the service and makes him see the advantages of it.


When people are trying your service you have a great opportunity to engage with your customer. When you use awards, progress bars or reward your user in any other way for participating, you can push your customer through the activation funnel and hit the WOW moment.

While gamification is more a retention tool then an activation tool, it can really contribute in the process where you want your customer to complete your funnel.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

Using scarcity while you sell your service can be really effective. Running your software in a bèta mode with limited spots to sign-up can definitely activate your customer. You can also promote a certain benefit when they sign-up now. Using scarcity as a strategy can transform reluctant users into buyers.

Concierge Onboarding

Providing one-on-one interaction with your new users can be an effective way to activate. Making an appointment with your customer to navigate through your software by phone definitely creates a personal relationship.

Providing this way of onboarding helps in building trust between the customer and the company which can help pushing the customer through the activation funnel and achieve higher conversion rates. For a high quality onboarding we recommend using CRM software like Salesforce or Freshsales. These CRM programs deliver the complete package, even making phone calls through your browser.

Live Chat

An essential tool to activate your customer is a live-chat. Always offer first time visitors to help out. This can also be an automated message when you are not around.

Originally published at http://rocketgrowth.net on July 2, 2019.




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