Startup Tech Stack Debate


Rulian Estivalletti
Ye Olde Software Co
3 min readSep 6, 2016


Should I use Node, PHP, Python, or Rails for my startup? Is it better for a company to use Angular or React for our front end. Sass vs Less vs Stylus? MongoDB or MySQL, Elastic vs Solr vs Algolia?

I often see the same debates happening on Q&A sites like Quora, StackExchange/Overflow, Reddit, etc…

It pains me to see the debates inevitably wither down to developers advocating their favorite technologies while abhorring others. Some people will provide support for one tech then follow it up by saying it ultimately is up to you, and it doesn’t matter.

Well, they are about 1/2 right with the it doesn’t matter part.

The reason the answer doesn’t matter is because the question is not correct in the first place. Asking the wrong question on the other hand, definitely matters.

Choose people, not stacks

Asking which technology to use without the context of a tech problem is a signal you’re not asking the right question. A startup looking to start a tech team should instead be asking who are the right people to involve, and let those people indicate the right tool sets.

The choice between Laravel vs Rails will have less of an impact than the decision to hire a junior developer vs a senior architect. The problem with asking which stack is better than the other is it obscures what questions a startup should be concerned about.

How will different technologies effect my ability to hire within my budget?

If I’ve never built an app before, who should be my first outreach?

How can I judge the competency of my first critical hires?

What is the shortest route to define and validate my MVP.

Enthusiastic entrepreneurs with little or no software experience often learn the hard way that technology does not solve their people problem.

There is an assumption that using large frameworks like Laravel or Rails, or using the trendiest technologies like Angular will somehow guard them against bad, inexperienced, or inefficient developers.

The truth is, no technology will keep you safe from incompetence, which is why I argue startups should focus on finding quality people instead of safe technologies.

The better approach is to find a tech advisor or co-founder who will share your vision and passion for your project. Knowing which problems are solved by people vs technology is a delicate balancing act. It may cost you more on the short term, but having experience by your side will make a huge difference in those first, critical decision points.

Thanks for reading! Leave a comment I’d love to hear your feedback.

I’m also writing a book called Makers and Developers, to help web developers move from a engineering to a business mindset. I’d love to hear feedback on it, so download the free first chapter and let me know what you think.

