4 Ways to Train Your Brain For Success

Roger Seip
4 min readAug 17, 2016


If an article like this attracted your attention, I’m sure you’re no stranger to the idea that your mind creates your life- in fact, it’s likely that you’ve heard sayings like “you become what you think about,” “what the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve,” “what you think about, you bring about” and countless others- and you probably believe them. Guess what? Me too! My clients and I have built super profitable businesses, successful careers, sizable fortunes and wonderful lives by harnessing the power of their thinking. Truly, the single greatest gift we’ve been given as humans is the ability to choose our thoughts, direct our actions and thereby harness the creative capacity of what’s happening between our ears.

But do you really know how to train your brain to make it work for you? Do you have the ability to consistently keep your focus clear, your thoughts positive and your energy level high? Or are you one of the masses who are constantly distracted, overwhelmed and exhausted? The good news is that if you’ll get a little better at these 5 things, you’ll automatically cause your brain get you better results.


Your brain is a lot like a GPS. It does a miraculous job of getting you where you want to go, but only if you give it an exact destination. One thing we know about your subconscious is that it thinks in pictures. In fact, all it knows to do is to see a picture and make you move toward it…if that picture is clear. So be specific in telling your brain what you want. A goal of “make more money” carries only a fraction of the power that “earn $100,000 or better” does. Your brain can’t see the first one, so it can’t harness its full power. Be clear in your intentions, be specific in your aims, and your brain will more automatically pull you forward faster.


Most people show up to work on Monday and either wonders what they should be doing or immediately start putting out fires. Then they do that all day every day until they collapse on Friday. They don’t run their week, their week runs them. Sound familiar? I promise, that’s a recipe for burnout and resentment. No fun. Do your brain a favor- take an hour or two over the weekend to reconnect with your goals and then create a plan for the week. My clients call this the two Hour Solution- there’s a whole chapter in my book about how to do it optimally. If you do ANY version of this however, it’s shocking. You’ll sleep better, you’ll immediately become 2–3x more productive, and you’ll actually find that you have more energy at the end of the day than at the beginning.


How do you spend the first 30–60 minutes of your day? For most, it’s jump (or drag yourself) out of bed after hitting the snooze alarm at least twice, and from there it’s a period of more stress, anxiety, rushing, and dread. It’s problematic because this period — the first 30 to 60 minutes you’re awake- sets the tone for your entire day. Psychologically, neurologically, and energetically, what happens in the first half hour of your morning will stick with you whether you like it or not. So make that time sacred. Try getting up 30 minutes earlier than normal- have a little quiet, a little bit of light exercise and maybe even a little reading. I know, what a concept, right? Take a little bit of time early in the day to only build positive energy — the effect of this is immediate and really enjoyable.


If a farmer plants corn in a field…what grows in that field? Thats right, corn….and weeds. In fact, if left unchecked the weeds will grow so aggressively as to choke out the corn. So that field needs the farmer to systematically, continuously work to keep the weeds out. Your brain is the same way — it needs you to be systematically investing time, energy and money in keeping it clear. The size and nature of that investment depends on your own situation, but your brain needs you to be systematic about caring for it. The farmer needs fertilizer, water and maybe some herbicide. Your brain needs books, audios, other positive people and maybe a coach.

These four tips are a great start for training your brain for success — you’ll find that they work quickly, they work long term, and they overflow to those around you. Try them out, and let me know the results!



Roger Seip

Author — Train Your Brain For Success | Co-owner — Freedom Personal Development. http://bit.ly/2blngr5