Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2018 — Not Such Great News for Ad Revenue Leakage

Roger Warner
Published in
1 min readJun 22, 2018

A couple of weeks ago, the Reuters Institute published its digital news report for 2018. Here’s our take…

We’ve put together some slides that take a deeper look at the data and suggest what action can be taken by publishers to improve their ad revenues.

There’s some great stats in the Reuters report for publishers looking for signs of Facebook’s waning influence on people’s news content consumption. But overall, when compared to the social media giant’s current commercial performance, the picture is bleak for the future strength of the publisher-advertiser relationship.

So, how can publishers break their current loop of traffic and ad revenue leakage?

Read on…

The slides are also available to download here, where you can find more in the way of trends, analysis and insight in the publishing sector.

Reuters institute digital news report 2018 not such great news for ad revenue leakage from Roger Warner

Originally published at Felix.



Roger Warner
Editor for

Powerful. Into Sundays and Felix, Content Automation for Content Marketers and Publishers.