Planning For Absolute Black Granite Worktops? Pros & Cons You Must Know!

Rohit D.
3 min readNov 1, 2022

In recent years, black granite has established itself as one of the most sought-after materials for kitchen countertops. The modern look that granite’s dark tone provides is spectacular. It will add to the aesthetic appeal of your home and provide functional benefits as well. Let’s review the many reasons why absolute black granite is the best option for countertops.

Absolute Black Granite Worktops


Do you want to add a luxurious touch to your modern kitchen design? Well, absolute black granite is a reliable option. It will be quite attractive and useful. These PROS include –

Possibilities For Use Are Plentiful

Black granite countertops are a timeless classic that can be incorporated into a wide variety of kitchen styles. Black granite can work with nearly any aesthetic preference, making it a great option for a luxurious kitchen island or a modern countertop. In contrast to more fleeting style fads, black granite will always look classic.

Extremely Condensed

The longevity of absolute black granite’s beauty and functionality is a major selling point for its widespread installation in kitchen surfaces. It can resist normal use without breaking down. With its durability and ability to increase the home’s value, granite is a great investment. It is scratch resistant.

No Effect Of Stains

If cared for properly, absolute black granite’s stain resistance is unmatched. As long as spills and stains are cleaned up promptly, the countertop should stay in excellent shape. Granite’s inherent hardness offers increased security. Since granite is porous, any liquid spills left unchecked might eventually cause damage.

Preventative Care That’s A Breeze

Absolute black granite is a shrewd selection, as dirt is less noticeable on its surface. When compared to other countertop materials, black granite is simple to clean. Warm soapy water and a soft dry cloth can do the trick for cleaning the countertop.


Because of its porous nature, absolute granite countertops may absorb and retain liquids like coffee, which can then create a stain. The best way to prevent accidents is to clean up spills as soon as they occur. It is heavy because of its high density. Installing black granite cabinets or shelves may necessitate added support.

Polished absolute black granite shows dirt and dust more easily than honed granite because of its shiny surface. If you don’t wipe down your counters on a regular basis, buildup will occur. The price of granite may increase depending on a number of things, including the required quantity and the granite’s specific type.

In The End

There are numerous arguments in favor of using black granite worktops. However, make sure you buy absolute black granite for worktops from a reliable source. A1 Granite & Marble Ltd. is known for its high-quality products and competitive pricing.

Absolute black granite of different designs and textures is available. We can help you decide which materials will work best for your project. We’ve been a pioneer company.

However, if you are looking for a trustable granite supplier in Calgary, inquire by phone or online today. Our staff will gladly provide you with no-cost guidance.



Rohit D.

Rohit D. is a veteran of developing and managing digital content to foster relationships between businesses and people.