How to Fix a Tire Puncture on Your Own? Step-by-Step Guidance

Rohit D.
2 min readJan 9, 2023

Did you know that you may fix a punctured tire rather than replace it? You’ll be back on the road and enjoying the drive-in in no time if you’re willing to get a bit greasy and put in the effort. Keep a kit box in your car at all times.

5 Step-by-Step Process to Fix a Tire Puncture

How to Fix a Tire Puncture on Your Own

1. Detect the Leak

The initial step is to identify the source of the leak. The thing that caused the tire to rupture is only sometimes evident. Anything might be a nail or a sharp item. Examine the tire carefully to determine whether it has any holes or cuts. If a visual check is unsuccessful, inflate the tire to the proper pressure level and listen for a hissing sound. If you can’t find the puncture, spritz or brush a dish soap and water solution on the tire. Bubbles will form around the leaking area. Mark the location with tape.

2. Loosen the Lug Nuts and Jack up the Car

After that, the tire is removed by removing the lug nuts. You may use an impact wrench or a lug wrench to do it. If you don’t do this before jacking up the automobile, it will spin dangerously while the bolts are being removed.

It’s time to jack up the vehicle and take the wheels off. You can safeguard your automobile from rolling by parking it on a hard or level surface! To keep the car stable, use jack stands. Place your car’s auto jack at the designated jacking points and use it to lift the side you’re working on.

3. Remove the Lug Nuts and Thoroughly Clean the Hole

Remove the lug nuts completely to detach the wheel from the wheelbase. It’s now time to clean the leaking region by entering and extracting the rasp tool from the puncture/hole many times.

4. Connect the Plug

Thread the plug into the center of the insertion tool to insert it into a hole. Lubricate the plug with an adhesive such as glue or rubber cement for a better seal and easier insertion. Allow at least one minute for the glue to cure before inserting the plug. Remove the plug’s projecting part from the tire surface.

5. Pump the Tire

The next step is to inflate the tire to the proper air pressure to guarantee that your car moves smoothly. Replace the wheel and tighten the lugs to the required torque after removing the floor jack.

However, if you are not confident about changing a flat tire, you can visit the nearest mechanic shop Careem Autocare. Here you can all types of tire services in Mississauga.



Rohit D.

Rohit D. is a veteran of developing and managing digital content to foster relationships between businesses and people.