Master of S . . . ocial Media ! Dom Pérignon social media influence

Romain Attard
4 min readSep 1, 2016


I got to catch your attention, now read (Source: pinterest)

To post or not to post ? What’s the point of being active on social media ? Well, is this a real question ? In the social era, digital is life. Dom Pérignon got it well.

To be successful in luxury, brands must master the “3Cs”: commerce, content, and community. (Shock of the new chic, BCG Report). Dom Pérignon do it through four major platforms : Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and Tumblr. But they did not say their last word. More than a well designed website, they also have a blog to share their ideas and spread the Dom Pérignon lifestyle. Dom Perignon is a hard working student.

Commerce: they arise consumers interest, and develop their curiosity towards the brand. Those very good students created the easiest way to catch the customer attention: a video, on a Youtube channel. For each product launch, a video is posted, showing events and the associated scenery. They sell the dream. They also give the opportunity to see behind the scene, and reveal their know how and expertise through polished images of champagne elaboration. Main colors, tone of the voice, video speed … Everything is thought to build the most logical and meaningful image.

Source: Dom Pérignon Youtube Channel

They create buzz. They are under the limelight. They work on their own type of “storefront”. Three years ago, Dom Pérignon decided to reach new young customers out of the usual target (people with high income). They collaborated with Jeff Koons and launched a very special edition of the Rosé, sold in a limited-edition Balloon Venus bottle holder. Actually, Jeff Koons inspired himself from his Balloon Venus sculpture and created one aiming at welcoming the special edition DP bottle. The point was to raise the interest of the younger, and they made the best use of social media, thinking where those future customers will get the info : Instagram and Youtube with the hashtag #DP&JK. The artist managed to bridge the gap between generations without affecting the brand DNA (

Content. They foster the imagination. What could be more intimate than the blog ? The reader feel like he is entering a small world, “those who know”. Articles are the expression of people from the inside, and especially, the one of Richard, the chef de cave, whoshapes a unique world to Dom Pérignon and reveals each vintage originality. Beyond finding the right words…It’s a unique chance to make them talk. Contents are short enough to be read carefully.

Dom Pérignon calls for social media industry best influencers : bloggers. They called for James H Peterson whose an Instagram picture worth a thousand ads as the New York Times said in an article. Actually, the artist was paid to take a few photos and share them with his more than 300K followers. People trust blogger content, not branded one, judged too far from their reality. This is a way to control your brand image even with digital channels.

(Source: Instagram of the brand)

Community: at the age of DIY, Instagram or Tumblr appears to be the best way to listen the customers needs, and vision. They are encouraged to share their DP moments with hashtags. The brand still maintain a high quality gallery which matches its positioning on the market. We are far from Veuve Clicquot or Moët having more creative feeds (colorful, design objects …) not targeting the same people, but producing the same content for the same community !

GAME, GAME, GAME : can you find which one is for which brand ?! “Likes” to win (source: instagram Moët and Veuve Clicquot)

Regarding the activity of its competitor, Dom Pérignon will move closer to Roederer. This brand delivers the same message, with neat pictures of classy moments, or bottles that seem to appear on Contemporary Art Museum canvas. This is not the case of Ruinart which works on family values through its contents.

Finally, Dom Pérignon master the last C with its ability to launch trends. Through collaboration with special organisms just as they did sharing a picture with La Vigie Restaurant in Monte Carlo. Dom Pérignon advices its customers to th best places. The content acts like an invitation for the customer to discover the restaurants or the other tips, validated by the company.

Source: Dom Pérignon Instagram

With 273K followers on Instagram, 380K likes on Facebook, and more than 2m views on Youtube, I feel like customers are asking to master the 4th C : Champagne !

This post was created as part of the Global Luxury Management Program at the NC State Poole School of Management. All thoughts and opinions are my owns and reflect my personal point of view.



Romain Attard

Student @NCSU, MSc in Global Luxury Management, Personal Luxury & Experiential Luxury oriented