RomeDAO: Campaigns, Partnerships & the Evolution of Web 3.0

Houses of Rome
6 min readOct 30, 2021


Please note — the information in this article is no longer up to date. We have kept it online for transparency and reference purposes

Explaining our first campaign, how campaigns are structured, and what RomeDAO is launching in the coming weeks.

Campaign Map & Harnessing Web 3.0

We’ve been disappointed thus far at the lack of creativity in DeFi around Web 3.0 mechanics. In Web 3.0, we have new ways to permissionlessly create unique interactions with the activities users perform across the ecosystem. Very few protocols have taken proper action to gamify the experience of their users.

While the core mechanics remain staking and bonding, Romans have additional optional mechanics to help grow the ecosystem and interact with their fellow Roman citizens.

As we began our journey to build a flourishing Rome, we realized all the incredible mechanics we could play with around staking (III,III) and bonding (I,I). By joining us on our campaigns, Romans will interact with our campaign map to view objectives. You’ll be able to view your progress and the DAO’s collective progress towards our objectives. You’ll also get previews of future campaigns and initiatives being taken to build a more flourishing Roman republic.

The beginning of our war against the Etruscan League.

The Rome universe will be expansive. Participating in staking, bonding, and other core protocol mechanics will create value for your Roman character throughout the Rome ecosystem. By simply remaining staked, your character will continue to evolve and earn spoils of war as you continue to embark on successive campaigns.

By completing laid out objectives, Roman warriors will be eligible to earn “spoils of war.” These spoils (NFTs) will grant your warrior items to show off your activity in the DAO and commitment in each subsequent war endeavor. Build a lasting trophy room and show off your status in the republic.

As you partake in more campaigns, you’ll watch both your character and your spoils of war evolve and grow to showcase all of your grand achievements.

Roman-Etruscan Campaign Objectives:

Each Roman will be eligible to earn two spoils of war in our first campaign. Each successive objective completed will earn you more spoils of war.

  • Remain staked for the duration of the campaign
  • Bond >$10k total in notional value

Along with spoils of war, at the end of each successful campaign, the treasury will auction one war relic, the proceeds of which will all go straight to the treasury. You got a sneak preview of our first war relic in the title image above. Here’s a better look. Once the campaign is completed, this relic will be fully unveiled.

We’re finishing the final render on our interactive war relic for the first campaign. That relic will come to our upcoming home page early this week.

Campaign I Partnerships & Bond Types

Do note that the following details are still WIP as the liquidity situation on Moonriver is constantly evolving. Helping thicken the liquidity on Moonriver is a crucial activity for the health of Rome. The ecosystem remains nascent, and we will be vital in ensuring its health.

At launch we plan to support the following bond types:
ROME/FRAX LP on Sushi with dual SUSHI/MOVR incentives
ROME/MIM LP on Solarbeam with SOLAR incentives
ROME/MOVR LP on Solarbeam with SOLAR incentives

We are comfortable supporting 3 pools at launch as low fees and high throughput on Moonriver allows efficient arbitrage and minimal dislocations across pools.

~7 days from launch we will add bonds for:
wsOHM/ROME LP, location TBD based on future liquidity

We are working with Anyswap to finalize the bridge that will bring wsOHM to our ecosystem.

One day protocols like RomeDAO will be the largest holders of OHM. We intend to be *the* largest holder. On that note, capacity for our OHM bonds will be significant; we’ll start with a ~15% treasury target post-launch of bonds and scale up over time from there. We’ll need to be careful with our target as the current liquidity for wsOHM on Moonriver is nil. Governance will ultimately dictate our target.

When bond activity doesn’t suffice, we’ll perform open market buying, treasury swaps, and other actions to ensure the % stays in line with what governance dictates.

Whilst we are not directly partnered with OlympusDAO, we appreciate Zeus recognizing the importance of working together towards a better future. (III,III)

A core DAO member from Olympus will not be voting on our multisig, as their DAO is conflicted on how to engage with projects tangentially related to their own. We are OG ohmies and deeply care about the success of OlympusDAO regardless of any stance they take publicly or privately. Our success is their success and vice versa.

The pools above result from working together with protocols across the ecosystem to build inroads across DeFi. The FRAX/ROME LP results from a late night partnership forged in public with the FRAX team. Props to a few stoic ones from our community for beginning this conversation.

Frax is bridging significant liquidity into the Moonriver ecosystem, and their collaborative spirit is foundational to a flourishing multichain environment.

Sam’s aggressive optimism for DeFi helped us move towards Sushi incentives from day 1.

Additionally, the Solarbeam team has been fantastic in helping us navigate the Moonriver ecosystem. They helped us build a relationship with the Moonriver/Moonbeam developers and have assisted us with onboarding to their DEX for the pools we’ll support with SOLAR incentives. A team member from Solarbeam will vote on our multisig as well.

We’re in the middle of talks with the Sushi team to determine what SUSHI & MOVR incentives for our ROME/FRAX SLP will be available from the start.

An Emphasis on UI/UX

As mentioned above, we believe DeFi has barely scratched the surface on exploring the potential of Web 3.0. In that same vein, we believe UI/UX in DeFi has woefully underperformed its potential. We can act as a north star example of how UI/UX in DeFi can function. To that end, we believe our design and product talents internal to RomeDAO are the best in the space — maybe we’re a little biased.

We’re excited to share our v0.1 UI that will house the entire RomeDAO universe. From the interactive campaign map in-app, to the staking, bonding, dynamic news feed, and analytics you’ve become accustomed to elsewhere.

We want this to act as the home of RomeDAO, where Romans make daily stops to perform actions and check into progress from across the Kusama and Polkadot ecosystems.


As we grow and ship more products, we want to emphasize that we hold no ill will towards any participants in this space. Never before has this level of collaboration and composability across financial products been possible. Friendships, partnerships, and dedication to building a better future are how we’ll get there.

CTRL-F whitelist? Come on…not again anon. Truly ngmi! We’ll be releasing details of our whitelist in the coming week.

For Rome. 🏛️

