What Is The Most Potent Pepper Spray?

2 min readAug 13, 2016


Pepper spray is one of the best non-lethal forms of self-protection. When it comes to pepper spray many wonder what the most potent pepper spray is on the market today.

There are many forms of pepper spray to choose from. What you select will be dependent upon which one is the easiest for you to use and gives you the most peace of mind.

On average, pepper spray is about $10 per unit. It will be dependent upon the form that you select and the size of the container.

Sabre Red is a police strength spray that offers the user a compact unit that has a quick release key ring so that the user can grab it and use it quickly and effectively against a potential assailant.

The active ingredient in the pepper spray is Oleoresin Capsaicin. This is the chemical that chili peppers contain that causes them to burn your skin when you’re slicing them up for dinner. Law enforcement’s use this form of pepper spray to subdue assailants.

You’ll want to choose a pepper spray that is high in the Oleoresin Capsaicin. This will provide you with the safety that you require when you’re using it against an assailant.

There are 3 basic forms to choose from. There is a fog or mist, there is a spray and there is a gel. Keep in mind that different forms work differently so you’ll want to read the fine print and understand how they each work.

In general, you’ll want to choose the one that would be best for your personal situation. A fog or mist may be the right choice if you’re not a great aim or if you’re in a situation where you aren’t sure of the direction of your potential assailant.

A gel requires more aim and a spray will get the pepper spray into the general vicinity of the potential assailant. It’s always wise to practice using it at least once before it’s needed.

Opt for a spray that offers you at least ten to fifteen percent pepper or OC. This will ensure that it’s powerful enough to get where you need it to go and adversely affect the potential assailant.

Lastly, make sure to check the laws for your area, some areas only allow certain kinds of pepper spray. Always choose the most potent pepper spray your areas allows.

Source: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s368/sh/b1ef57cd-626b-4fab-bec4-dd397995d4f7/a1be08031c5440fcf57067e55231a172

