Rose Tokenomics:

3 min readOct 28, 2021


Rose has 3 main tokens

  • ROSE: The protocol’s token which is used for incentivization
  • stROSE: Revenue sharing governance token which is obtained by staking ROSE and can be used to borrow RUSD
  • RUSD: USD pegged stable coin

ROSE Token

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 ROSE

ROSE Token Distribution:

  • 50% (500m ROSE): Farming and Liquidity Mining Incentives — 10 year halving model
  • 30% (300m ROSE): Team Allocation — 2 year vesting: 66.7% the first year and 33.3% the second year
  • 7% (70m ROSE): Treasury — Used for marketing, future team members, potential fundraising, operations, strategic partnerships, proposals made by DAO
  • 6% (60m ROSE): NearPad and Abracadabra Airdrop — 5% allocated to NearPad to distribute to it’s stakers over 2 years and 1% airdrop to Abracadabra Spell holders
  • 4.5% (45m ROSE): IDO on NearPad’s Launchpad — Funds raised used to seed initial liquidity on NearPad’s dex and remaining used for protocol operations
  • 2% (20m ROSE): Advisors — 2 year vesting: 66.7% the first year and 33.3% the second year
  • 0.5% (5m ROSE): Initial liquidity pool on NearPad DEX

stROSE Token

You can stake and lock your ROSE to get stROSE using the staking dashboard. Staking ROSE has a 24 hour time lock for withdraws.

stROSE has 3 core functions:

  1. Earn 63% of the fee revenue generated by the protocol
  2. Vote in governance proposals
  3. Use as collateral to borrow RUSD

stROSE tokens are continuously compounding. When you unstake, you will receive all the originally deposited ROSE tokens plus any additional ROSE earned from the fees.

RUSD — Rose Dollar

Rose Dollar (RUSD) token is a USD pegged stable coin that is backed by interest bearing tokens, primarily stROSE, and then other SLP tokens from the stableswap pools.

Price Peg: RUSD will rely on arbitrage to maintain its peg to $1.

  • Users that hold debt, in RUSD, might notice that RUSD is trading on some market below 1 USD and decide to buy some RUSD at this discount to repay some of their debt. This purchase of RUSD will have a price rising effect relative to their volume.
  • Users that hold components (valid collateral), might notice that RUSD is trading on some market above 1 USD and decide to open a position and sell the RUSD borrowed to put to use elsewhere. This transaction will have a price lowering effect relative to their volume.
  • Users that hold other cryptocurrencies, (stablecoins or not) might see RUSD trading differently on two of the above mentioned markets and decide to buy RUSD on one market where the price is below 1USD and sell on another where the price is either at 1USD or above. This can also happen in reverse.

In most cases, a lot of the Market to Market arbitrage is done by automated bots that constantly monitor pools for opportunities to capitalize on these price differences. This has the benefit of having price pegs being corrected quite rapidly.

Protocol Revenue

Rose earns protocol fees in two ways: stableswap fees and interest from borrowed RUSD.

Fees and pool parameters are decided by the Rose DAO.

Since liquidity providers will be heavily subsidized by incentive programs, the revenue generated from swap/pool fees and interest from borrowed RUSD will be distributed stROSE holders and the protocol in the following split:

  • 63% of the protocol revenue will be used to purchase $ROSE in the secondary market to distribute to stROSE holders.
  • 37% of the protocol revenue will go to the treasury and team
  • Following the token distribution — 30% of the revenue will go to the team which will serve as a dev fund to incentivize long term building and funding beyond the two year vesting.
  • 7% of the revenues will go to the DAO controlled treasury

To be in the loop for more updates about Rose follow @RoseOnAurora, @TheAidenKnox, and @grandicrypto on Twitter and join the Rose telegram group if you want to shittalk.




Liquidity layer on Aurora comprising of a cross-chain stablecoin and wrapped assets exchange and CDP based stablecoin RUSD