Plate Size and Perception— How Does it Affect How Much We Eat?

Sara Rumlow
5 min readDec 10, 2019
Photo by Lily Banse on Unsplash

If you’re like me, you struggled with weight your entire life. Dieting can be very confusing, and there are dozens of fad diets out there. I gained weight, lost it, and gained it again, all in a viscous cycle. However, new research sheds light on plate size, perception, and the hunger response, and it is fascinating.

Plate Size and How Much We Eat

Have you heard the theory that states using smaller bowls or plates when you eat can direct impact how much you eat? The smaller your plate, the less you’ll eat. Unfortunately, a study found that this isn’t the case if you’re hungry.

The study found that your plate size will directly impact your perception of the food on the plate, but how it impacts your perception depends directly on how hungry you are. If you’re not very hungry, your perception levels will get altered more, and if you’re more hungry, it alters your perception levels less.

Appetite Publishes Two Studies Decoding The Perception Mystery

In September 2018, a scientific journal called Appetite published the results from two studies. During the studies, males and females were exposed to quantities of food on different sized plates. They goal of this study was to find…



Sara Rumlow

Aspiring writer and dog mom using sarcasm to cope and writing to escape until I win the lottery and run away or hit it big. Whichever comes first.