Meet the Teachers: DesignOps Fundamentals

Rosenfeld Media
2 min readOct 26, 2022


work·shop /ˈwərkˌSHäp/ noun: a meeting at which a group of people engage in intensive discussion and activity on a particular subject or project.

Instructor: Dave Malouf, Director of Design Operations, Teladoc Health [bio]

Dave will be leading the workshop, DesignOps Fundamentals: Tangible Benefits, Measurable Outcomes, November 2–3, 2022, 9:30 am-2:30 pm PT. We asked him to tell us a bit more about the curriculum beyond the standard website blurb (full description below). Here’s what he told us.

In a nutshell, what problem are you helping people solve at your workshop?

Helping relatively new practitioners understand the building blocks of a DesignOps practice and giving them frameworks to use to actually do the work of doing just that.

Who are those people, and why is it so important to them to solve it?

This workshop is geared towards people transitioning from a design, management, or program management role into a more dedicated DesignOps role, someone who is in their first DesignOps role, someone who is a DesignOps of 1 and struggling to get results.

Does your approach represent a departure from previous approaches to addressing the challenge?

I’m not sure you can say it is a departure. DesignOps practitioners go in so many different directions, but I would say it is one of the more holistic.

Workshop Description

DesignOps Fundamentals: Tangible Benefits, Measurable Outcomes
November 12–3, 2022, 9:30 am-2:30 pm PT

As a transformational discipline, DesignOps can deeply change how design organizations operate. But to fully unlock its potential, DesignOps requires a structured and systemic approach that’s been customized for each unique organization.

This workshop will take you on a journey from developing a custom DesignOps strategy or practice to ensuring its delivery and ongoing assessment. You’ll learn clear methods and techniques to assess the needs of your design team, prioritize initiatives, sequence projects, and measure impact. And you’ll walk away with an approach that enables you to better understand your design teams’ health and performance, and business and engagement models.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Break down your DesignOps practice into fundamental pillars.
  • Structure your practice to your design team
  • Prioritize and sequence strategic initiatives
  • Define a credible result driven DesignOps roadmap
  • Identify the metrics and KPI of your DesignOps practice
  • Set up core practice areas: PeopleOps, DeliveryOps, etc.

Who should attend:

  • Designers and design managers eager to learn how to establish DesignOps within their organizations.
  • DesignOps practitioners looking to increase their impact and to grow or expand the scope and size of their practice.


You should have a basic understanding of design processes. This workshop sets the foundation and vision for a DesignOps practice, so it will require no specific skills.

Learn more and register here>>

