Valentine’s Day Special: a Love-Letter for the Signs

Some “self-love” typa Guidance.

Rose and the Moon
9 min readFeb 12, 2021


Happy New Moon in Aquarius, and a Happy Valentine’s Day to you all.

(Today’s date is 12–02–2021, and the ‘energy’ feels auspicious and significant.)

I’m not sure how to start this… I will say that I hope you can take something of value from this offering, should you be open to Divinatory guidance, tarot and all that esoteric-slash-mystical stuff. I’ve had my tarot deck for about a year, and I’ve only read for myself so far. Considering my own experience with tarot, I find that it works in mysterious ways, and I love it as a tool to develop my intuition and inner-knowing. I don’t foresee the future or anything of that nature. I read the cards based on their general meanings and what stories they tell me at the time.

This marks my first time interpreting the cards for folks other than myself, and I encourage you to make of these what you will whilst considering your own insights and such. Just so you know, I enjoyed writing these for you, and here we go!

Some basic deets: I drew cards from the Original Rider Waite tarot deck for the 12 astrological signs on February 5, 2021. The following messages were transcribed from my interpretations in the voice notes I took then.

My intent, as I drew a card for each sign was concentrated on developing a message of Love that you need to hear at this time. I find that the messages for my Sun, Moon and Rising signs usually make most sense to me. You’re welcome to do that, or to read the messages of any other placements you feel pulled to.

Without further ado… my Love-Letter to you –



It seems like you’ve been doing a lot of inner work to get into Empress mode, Aries. This card having popped out upside-down, tells me that in order for you to naturally embody this energy (in the upright) is to connect with your inner Divine Feminine, more deeply. This means your natural state when you are in the zone and harmonising with ‘flow’.

To do this, you can: journal¹, spend time in nature² (during the day and at night too), work with the Moon³ cycles — should you like to, and cook⁴ — either for yourself or your loved ones. The keyword here is Nurture, and you can do so by harnessing your energies in a soft creative style that’s supportive of your vulnerable, lush, loving, guiding, giving self.

This season, Aries, you’re learning that there’s more to your ‘fire’ than meets the eye.



By tapping into what I’m seeing here, I feel that it’s at night when your demons come out to play — and this could be due to the fact that you hit the ‘pause’ button during the day to take care of whatever else may be going on. It’s natural then that when your body does still at night — it’s easier for unruly waves to crash upon you and carry you astray.

What I can offer you, guidance-wise: Set aside some time (during daylight hours) to sit with yourself and take stock of your feelings. They are important, and you are too. — Some tools to do this would be by way of journalling¹ and partaking in ‘guided’ meditation sessions². Observe your thoughts during this time, and sit with whatever comes up.

May you work through this, bit by bit, Taurus, and do hold yourself with compassion, no matter what comes up to the surface — no judgement necessary. Don’t let it deter you from patiently processing what you might need to.



You got two cards! : )

What I can euphorically feel for you, on your behalf, is that whatever’s going on — you made a choice, and it’s right for you. It was written. What you might be currently experiencing though is that dance of “Am I ready? Can I do this?”

I’d like to encourage you… Go with Death, and leave your baggage at the gate of this new kingdom you’re stepping into.

To combat feelings of ‘momentary’ hesitation and stalling, working with Daily Affirmations¹ (like this one from Lucy Cavendish’s Magickal Spellcards oracle deck, By shining brave and true and bright, My courage now returns this night) would do you good. A Reflection Practice² whereby you allow yourself to vividly look back on your journey would be grool too.

Your essence is duality, Gemini, these self-care tools will aid you on your current quest and the next — as you continue to step into roles written-for-you and seek adventures in other lands.



Cancer, you’re navigating beginnings and endings, and it’s a lot. This card makes me envision you raising your arms up to the sky — to the Most High, offering your burdens, and asking for relief. You seek peace, and would like to be made whole again.

The guidance I have for you might not feel balm-like, instantly, but… Good, healthy distractions¹ are a cure for you. This means: spending time alone² (get to know yourself better), and partaking in self-discovery³ exercises. (Draw up your birth chart!⁴) The goal is to ‘uncover’ something you aren’t seeing at this moment.

You’re coming to the end of a journey, and when this blessing does come, whatever it is that you’ve been praying for — You will be able to welcome it with grace and joy.

“It’s okay, I’m okay… I’ll be okay.”

You will be, dear Cancer… I wanna give you a big hug too.



You get the ‘king’ because you are the King, Leo, and well, you get an aide too because every mighty lion needs one.

Light-heartedness aside, or inside rather, you’re currently basking in some very radiant energy — your emotions are in a good place, you feel comforted and secure, and definitely are not in the mood to unnecessarily roar at folks around you who might overstep or get in your way.

This is good! Do channel this creative energy into your personal projects¹. Consider maintaining an idea journal², whereby you can record everything coming in. The time calls for you to not be super vigilant, considering your surroundings, but to tuck into the world within. Make time for delicate practices³ that soothe your soul, and nurture your ability to ‘make’. I see you going ham when it comes to D.I.Y projects for your casa or Den … There’s a focus on hobbies⁴ for you.



Hey, Virgo. Could you possibly be beating yourself up over having already walked away from someone or something? Even if not, I sense that you are yet in the ‘stance’ of considering it. No matter, however. I believe it’s plaguing you to an extent, because you care about other people, and it feels far removed from your nature of wanting to serve, and being a source of comfort to those in need.

My self-care guidance for you is to: ‘go out’ on dates alone¹ — plan trips to your favourite parts of the place you reside in, maybe your local bookstore or coffeeshop. Make a visit to that quaint curio shop you’ve been meaning to go to. Partake in activities that warm the very cockles of your heart.²

These rituals will help you grow more confident as you shed old skin and evolve into the new. It will instill ‘faith’ in you — “I do wanna walk away. I don’t need to prove my compassionate nature to anyone. Seasons come and go.”



You are Cupid’s favourite, this season, Libra, and it’s beautiful to see!

The imagery on this card makes me think that all that you consider Divine and peaceful is coming your way. My words to you, ‘Sink into this energy of Love.’

You’ve been working hard, and it’s time to get decadent¹ when it comes to yourself. Some physical self-care² is in order — a luxurious massage or a sensual self-pleasure sesh. I would even say: Write love-letters³ (the ‘pen to paper’ kind) — addressed to past versions of yourself (maybe even write sweet love notes to your friends). Heart chakra meditations⁴ are something you might like looking into, and taking the time out to do.



You’re stepping into Pure unbridled empowerment, Scorpio, having come from a mindset where you felt less than and neglected. You see what it is that you can offer, and it’s faaaar from low vibrational. Your spirit toasts to your newfound inner-knowing, and the ‘pentacles’ (not just gold) you’ve amassed thus far.

What would work for you is meditation¹ to keep your energies good and grounded, and to perhaps undertake shadow-work² in a bold way. I believe you are ready; and a ‘shadow’ practice will have you uncovering more about your beliefs, limitations, traits, truths.

Whilst partaking in shadow-work, take breaks and pace sessions as you feel comfortable. A shadow-work journalling exercise would be good to do.



You’ve had a Tower moment, and startling as it was, almost immediately — you were able to see the Divine working for you than against you. You sensed the opening of a new portal, a threshold and you walked right in.

Even whilst you took that first step unhesitatingly, the ‘promise’ of the new hasn’t quite percolated yet. There are energies and happenings around you that make you question whether your previous season is truly over.

Your self-care guidance is more outward-related, than inner. Do consider talking to a companion you trust¹ outside of yourself — a counsellor, if need be, or a tarot reader whose energies you feel a connection with — whatever is comfortable and convenient for you. What you need is a helping hand — to usher you into this lovely new that you so clearly are meant to have and hold. Participating in a sacred circle² might help too.



You climbed that mountain, Capricorn, and this card acknowledges the fortitude coursing through your veins.

I don’t have anything particular, ritual-wise, for you but I’ll say this: Do take stock of the pentacles you’ve collected, and celebrate your successes.¹ Take it easy. Rest. Now is a time to enjoy your harvest and even invest some of it² (doing things for yourself, and your physical body). Salt baths³, workshops, ‘21-minute’ dance sessions⁴.


XVII — THE STAR (Reverse)

(As a fellow Aquarius myself, I hope to not let too much of what I’m personally experiencing or feeling trickle into this interpretation.)

Aquas have been feeling this concentrated Aquarius energy pretty hard, and to have their own card, show up, upside-down, tells me that their bright-eyed, curious self might’ve taken a stumble lately.

A self-care ritual for my Aquas out there is to set adrift on memory bliss¹. Read and reflect, comb through your journals and memorabilia to assess newly acquired strengths³, and try not being too much of a lone wolf⁴, this season.

There are people around that see you for who you truly are, and they are far from low vibrational. Spend time connecting and reconnecting with those beings. There are those out there whose shine is iridescent to you as yours is to them.

The time for you to feel like a misfit ends here, Aquarius. You are now you.


IX — THE HERMIT (Reverse)

You’re in an energy that is BIG on reflecting and deep-sea-dive-kinda thinking, and I can get behind that. Generally, this is healthy for one’s overall growth + evolution. Though, for you, Pisces, I sense it beginning to grow discomfiting — making it distort ‘some’ things and magnify others.

A self-care ritual for you would be to connect with pets¹ and spend time outdoors basking in the sun². If you are one to order groceries online, it might be refreshing for you to physically make visits to markets to get the goods you need³. A connection with the outside world⁴ is of essence here.

You might not be ready to connect or reach out to the people in your life, right now, and that’s okay. Even so, there is happiness to be found in encountering strangers on the daily — people like us that we meet at the post office, through our daily commute and such and so forth.

It’s imperative for you to remember that you are not alone even as you take your time to feel and heal. (You never are, just saying.)

That’s all, Folks!

Thank you for reading.

A note: Let it be known that much as it’d be sweet, that you feel welcome here, experiences and views expressed on Rosewater. are deeply, truly, madly personal. (Unless stated otherwise.) Should they strike a chord with your own musings and reflections, that’s lovely, and if not, that’s cool too. This collection contains no facts, solo personal musings and truths.

